Anyway, Mom got home, put her key in the lock and turned. And turned. Imagine her surprise when, instead of unlocking the door, her key kept turning and then suddenly everything came loose, and the tumblers and pins came out of the lock and fell to the floor. The door was still locked, the key didn't work, and Mom was stuck outside in the hallway!
So she went down the street to a friend's, and he helped her get in. Later, the landlord came over and fixed the lock.
What's weird about this is that Mom says it was a good thing. She has been stressing about the SSP. She says she has some terrific ideas, but there are TOO MANY of them, and that time is getting short. She said spending the afternoon NOT working on the SSP, and then getting home and NOT being able to get into the house changed everything.
She says because she COULDN'T do anything, she DIDN'T do anything, and when she finally DID get into the house, she finished up the laundry and made us both dinner and did the dishes, ignoring the SSP completely.
How NOT doing some thing HELPS the same thing is totally beyond me.
Once again I am -so- glad I'm a cat.
I am glad finally your mommy get inside the house....
Just in case it will happen next time, change a door lock. :D~~
It's glad at the normal condition your mommy find out the problem, if there is a fire or something very urgent inside of the house or your mommy has to rush go to the ladies room...(sorry I just too many imagination) she might has to break window go inside, that is tough....
Well ok, at least the lock has been fixed, congratulations~!!!
Dear Mille,
Mommy understands, and like you, I don't...I think I'm glad I am a kitty too!
We're glad your mum got back in. You're right, Beans are strange sometimes.
yep, we is glad we is cats too. we is also glad that your mommy gotted into the house. a copule of momfs ago mommy putted her key in the lock in the front door and it broked off! and she was locked outside. forchunately, she didn't put the board in the slidy door and she could break in through there. she was saying lots of werds on the bad werd list though.
Yikes on the lock breaking! We are glad your mom was able to get back inside!
You won't believe what day MomBean forgot. I can't believe her, I need some comforting purrs from my girl.
That just goes to show that mommies can be weird.
Your momma needed a break!
Miss Millie you had mum scared that someone broke into your house and stoled you.
Whew, Miss Millie, for a minute I thought you were gonna tell us that someone had broken in..I'm glad it was only a broken lock and an afternoon off!
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