This is Rock Rimmon:

This is it from about three blocks away:

This is the arch at the other end of the street (if you follow the street to the end, you get to my house):

But one block away from that arch, is this one. You are looking in the opposite direction, down toward the rest of the city. You can really see how our neighborhood is higher.

So that must be how the arches in our neighborhood got the name "Rimmon Heights."

Me, I'm still looking for "it."
What have you lost Miss M? Your heart, your mind? I know - you has lost the winning lottery ticket!! Yup, I bet thats it.
Whatever "it" is, I sure hope you find it!
What is it?!?
wow, what is it???
It???? Whazzup wiz it?
A rock is a rock is a rock, but that's a really big rock! How could you NOT find it?
Did yoo loose a mouwsie? I loose myn all da tym. I hates wen I canna fins dem. I fink Mommie haz been steelins dem frum me. I mite hafta starts given da bitey agan tyl she gives dem bak. I hope yur Mommie isna steelin yur mowsies.
Cool, Millie. Our mom says your neighbourhood would be a great place for hill training for running! We say she's crazy.
Well, thats one mystery solved. That is a way cool rock!!
Keep looking for "it", you'll find it sooner or later.
What is it? We could help yoo look fur it if we knew what it was. We like yoor nayborhood, it looks nice and quiet like ours.
What are you doin', Miss Millie?
Mom won't let me in her chest of drawers 'cuz I get my furs all over her clothes.
Thanks for sharin' photos of your town. It seems small. Is it?
Watchoo lookin' for, Miss Millie? Oh, I know, you're lookin' for the seat of your mom's pants..maybe that's the Secret Project..shhhhh!
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