One of us knows how to take it easy on a Sunday Morning. The other one doesn't. I'm not giving away any hints, but I bet you can figure it out.
(I am washing one of my back paws, and I am holding the other one up in the air. In case you thought I was doing some kind of bizarre gymnastic routine. Uh, MomBean, I think you better keep Monty Q away from the computer today.)
You can click the picture to biggify.
Oh. I thought it was kitty yoga. Either way, that stretch is impressive :)
You are very flexible, Millie! We agree that this photo will drive Monty crazy!
Too late, he beat me to it...tell your Mom that MomBean will try to call her today!
Uh oh, Monty just fainted! Hee Hee! We think you are doing ballet! Very flexable!
Oh my, poor Monty, he's gonna' need an extra dose of smelling salts!
KC said...
O, Monty, don't look again, i's don't fink you can take it. Hee hee.
That is a cute gymnastic or yoga pose, Millie.
Us cats are relaxin this morning, too. Mommie ML and Daddy Charley are running around haffing new curtain rods installed. What is that??? Mommie says they's wooden an they's painted ta match that walls so they's "blend in". i can tell you, people's gonna see 'em anyway. Silly beans.
Millie, you are very flexible indeed! Poor Monty Q! His hear must be going pitty-pat, pitty-pat!
Mom says she likes the pictures of the herbs your Mom bought. We like the picture of the nip plant!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
You mean to say that you're NOT trying out for the Olympic gymnastics team?
Little Miss,you are so flexible!!
You are lucky to get your own nip plant!!! Mom....!!!!!!!!
That is a very interesting pose Darling Millie!
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