You guys were pretty good guessing which of the fabrics Mim-may would choose for her backpack. Seven of you chose "B", which was Mim-may's choice!
Mom stayed up wicked late last night working on a project so secret I can't tell you if it is big or small, if it's for a cat or a bean. I can't even tell you what it is, what it looks like, who it is going to, when it is going there or even where it is going.
Millie, the Derby broke our hearts. We were cheering for Belle too.
Such a secret! I wonder what it is???
MomBean didn't watch the derby, she was baking. Again. She's used up almost all of the sugar in the house, the cocoa powder and the cupcake papers. The stork needs to get here before she gets another idea in her head to bake more.
...but we are almost out of bread...
So sad to read about Eight Belles. We get upset when the horses have to go the paddock in the sky. Hope you guys are enjoying some nice May weather. FAZ
We watched the derby, too, and were very sad about what happened to Eight Belles.
She did run her heart out sweet filly.
We did not see the derby, but were very sad to hear about the poor horse, Eight Bells. How sad.
KC said...
we's didn't watch tha race, but was furry sad to heer about Eight Bells. Poor fing.
What could be so sekrit?
Secrets are so hard to keep...oh, dat piksher reminded mom she's gotta get a new iron. Hehehe
We heard this morning about the poor horsie. We was sad.
The backback sounds exciting. The secret quilt efen moresoer!
It broke our hearts to have Eight Belles do so well in the race and then get injured.
I don't like secrets, give me a hint.
Sorry, no hints. Mom says if I let this secret out I'll never get treats as long as I live.
I'm not seeing an issue with that Millie... do tell! Oh, and let Mum know we have roasted veggie stock up today.
Hi Millie, I is home now and I missed you lots. Ohhhhhhhh another surprise, what can it be?
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