Here's what it looks like outside this morning.

This Forsythia bush is starting to bloom:

The trees are budding (Mom says this means she will start sneezing and her nose will run. Run how? It's stuck to her face.)

And the grass is starting to get nice and green.

These aren't the only things growing around here. Check out this shelf in the bookcase in Mom's sewing room.

You can go
back here to see it when she cleaned that room back in March. Yes, she has added to that pile of fabrics. Now the shelf is chock-full of stuff for projects that aren't Gizzy Quilts.
Well, let me re-phrase that. These projects ARE for Gizzy Quilts, but they are not the "Standard" Gizzy Quilt size. They will all be BIGGER. And they will be traveling.
Millie, all the Gizzy quilts travel.And I haven't even told you about th...
Thank goodness, snow has finally bid you farewell! Ooh, a secret? Millie, tell us. Shhhhhh. We won't tell.
Oh boy another secret - your Mommy always has the best secrets!!!
Aaaah you mom is good at secrets Millie!
We are sure all of the Gizzy Quilts will be wonderful and we are sure the ones who get them will love them at first sight!
BabyBean can sympathize with the runny nose, she's got something called 'croup' this week. I don't know how her nose makes her sound like a seal, but it does. :P
Millie, do you have trouble keeping secrets?
Maw can empathize with your Mommy's nose running. Maw has been popping Zyrtec and then snoozing all the time...
Luf, Us
Snow or sneezin'? You're not gettin' much of a choice, are ya, Millie? Hey, I wanna know what's happenin'!
Millie ... Don't spill the beans or your momma will get furry mad at YOU!
Looks to be a beautiful day - have a fun weekend!
Haf a little trubbul keeping dem secrets don't yoo Millie. Dad wants mom to get some angel food cake and sugar free chocolate...instead she made him sugar free german chocolate cake. Would haf been easier to make yoor desert.
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