Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Weird Wednesday & Awards

My pals Mu Shue and Samantha and Tigger both gave me this Gold Star award. Thank you very much, Mu Shue and Samantha and Tigger! I would like to give this award to Poppy Q, for being so generous, and for my woofie cousins Roxy and Lucky, who brought everybody on the Road Trip for Romance. That was great fun!

This award was given to me from my friends, The Furry Bambinos! Isn't this a wonderful picture of two cute, loveable woofies? I have so many friends in the blogosphere. I am so so very lucky. I'm going to give this award to my pals Skeeter & LC, Chance, Sophie and Monkee.

My sweetheart, Monty Q, has tagged me for the 7 Weird Things Meme. So here goes:

1. I do not like tuna.
2. I do not like getting into boxes
3. I do not like getting into bags
4. I do not like getting into tunnels
5. I do not like getting into tents
6. I do not like getting into cat cup beds
7. I do not like being held

Now I gotta tag cats. OK! If I gave you an award, I tag you for this meme!

PS: One of the surprises I had to keep is no longer a surprise. Go over and visit Miss Peach to see what surprise happened there! I gotta tell ya, Junior is the Man-cat!

And yes, Skeeter & LC's Big Thing was right - the battery Mom got for the little camera is a rechargeable one. The little camera came with a battery recharger.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah~~ Millie~~
You are really unique and special~!
I guess you don't like to be circled~! You like stretch free~!!!

I think that is very good, too.
Because I know you love your mommy, and held by her love~!!

Congratulations of your 2 awards~!

Poppy Q said...

Thanks for the sooper dooper award. I will get the secretary to write about dem tomorrow.

Guess what I voted, not in the primary but for the observatory cat!! I am sure it was an exciting day for you guys in New Hampster.

I hopes America gets a good leader!!

Poppy Q

Parker said...

Concatulations Millie!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I am so excited that Miss Peach loves her Gizzy so much! Thanks for keeping the secret and give your Mom gentle headbutts and purrs for doing such a great job on these quilts!

Oh, did you know you were sending it this close to Miss Peach's purrthday?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

And concatulations on your awards!!!!!! I am not very fond of tuna either!

Tybalt said...

Congratulations, Millie!

You are one unique cat, not loving tuna or boxes or tunnels!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Congrats on your awardies, Millie! You deserve them! Miss Peach was so surprised by her beautiful Gizzy - what a great gift (and surprise) you and Junior pulled off!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Millie, I gave you the The Extraordinary Gold Star Award, too. It was on my post from Tuesday! You deserve lots of them! We love your 7 things you don't like!
Your FL furiends,

Millie said...

Samantha & Tigger -- My Apologies! Mom can be such a knucklehead sometimes. Sheesh! I -tried- to tell her!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congratulations on yer award, Millie!

And thank you SO MUCH for the award you gave to us!