We had lotsa snow on Sunday. Mr Karate stayed over Saturday and Sunday nights. He and Mom made cookies, as you all know. Later in the day yesterday, he began to leak from his nose. He said it was my fault. (Ha-rumph! I didn't do anything.) He stuck tissues up his nose to stop it. Mom said he looked silly and took this picture.

I felt sorry for him, and slept with him last night.

And look! They didn't even put the
toys ornaments on the Christymas Tree! It's
still naked!
We got a lot of that white stuff too! AND Mommy made me HAM! cookies and I hated them!
Did Mr. Karate hafta shovel snow? Dat makes my mom's noze leeky too. We gots lights on our tree and dat's it...it looks so forelorn wifout da nice shiney kitty toys on it.
Wow, that's a lot of white stuff! My mom's family in Ottawa said they had two feet of snow! I'm very glad I'm not there.
Very sweet of you to stay by Mr. Karate's side all night, Millie. And I admit that I do the tissue-in-the-nose thing when my nose gets all drippy...but I'm not posting a picture!
Wow that's a lot of snow! It got cold here in Florida last night but we didn't get any white stuff. We're looking forward to mom getting the tree up sometime today - can't wait to see how Stray is going to be - it's his first Christmas with the tree.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Mr. Karate looks funny and cute with the tissues up his noses. Wow you got lotsa snow but all we got was rain.
It seems every kitty got the cold white stuff this weekend. Stay inside and stay warm!!!
What a lot of white stuff! I'm glad you all stayed cozy and safe and warm.
We're shocked! A picture of a naked tree on your blog, Millie? Your mom really should put some clothes on it soon.
Stay warm.
Jan's Funny Farm
Oh, Millie ... You've got to decorate your naked tree. I suggest fev-ver butt mousies an' 'nip.
That was furry nice of Mr. Karate to spend time with your Mom this weekend. Hmm... if Mr. Karate's Mom is the same Mom as your Mom, does that mean that Mr. Karate is your brother?
How thoughtful of you to keep Mr. Karate company. His nose probably "appreciated" it too! ;-)
We also got lotsa snow here in Ohio. Stop by our blog tomorrow to see how we "played" in the snow!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Dats an awful lots of snow. You better keep warm and stay inside.
Nice of mom to let you two snuggle on the couch.
Guess what? My card came today - and I had to pay no moneys for it!! Thank you thank you thank you.
My mum didn't even put her tree up dis year. Naughty mum.
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