Monday, October 29, 2007

On the Road to New Mexico

Lucky, Roxy, Moe & Mindy, Dragonheart, Georgia and Tilly and I are on the way to New York to pick up Sammy and Miles for our road trip to New Mexico to visit Lux.

I had picked up Dragonheart at the airport earlier this evening. It was nice to finally meet him. He is -such- a gentlecat. Everybody likes him already!

Since Mom is such a good cook, I convinced her to make some great road food for us. Mom has made some cat treats and some dog treats. (Mom rocks.) She's set up water bowls for us, and even a portable litter box in the back. We've all got harnesses, so we are driving safely.

Of course, we have been listening to the Red Sox game. WE WON THE WORLD SERIES! How exciting!
This is exhausting! I need a nap!


Anonymous said...

Yay Red Sox Nation!! Woohoo!!

Safe travels!

The Meezers or Billy said...

WOO HOOO SOX!!! now we better go to bed 'acause you'll all be here soon. Brekkies will be served when you get here.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Go Red Sox! Our Mom has decided that she is also a Red Sox fan now. Since she move to the USA from South Africa they have won the world series twice. So she says she is their good luck charm (even though she doesn't know all that much a bout baseball, we play a crazy game called cricket in South Africa).

Poppy Q said...

Yahhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooo to you guys. Your team won!!

Have a great road trip - it sounds like lots of fun.

Poppy q

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Thanks for picking me up at the airport. :) Your mom's cat treats are delicious. :) Yay Red Sox! :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Have fun and be safe on da road trip. We're looking forward to your updates. Oh, and Zippy sez when it's yoor turn to drive to watch out for da drivers on phones...and putting on make-up, shaving, reading, eating and all da other stuff dey should not be doing while hurtling down da road at 70 miles an hour...

Daisy said...

I am soooo excited about the Road Trip and everyone coming to my house tomorrow. I am cooking up something special, too!

Tybalt said...

Have a safe and fun road trip! Make sure you get plenty of rest.

ASTOR CATS said...

Have a safe trip. Be sure to switch off driving so no one gets too tired. Enjoy!

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm all set here, sweet Millie, I'll see you soon!

Chrissie said...

Way to go, Sox! Woot! Happy travelin' Millie, sounds like a great trip!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

A Road Trip? Yikes, that sound way adventurous. We look forward to hearin about it. Good start with the food, BTW. :)

Skeeter and LC

Fat Eric said...

Go Red Sox! We are furry pleased they won (and we are British so do not understand baseball AT ALL!!) But my humans have been to Boston, does that count?

Your road trip sounds like fun, I will look forward to hearing more.

Unknown said...

You should definately have a nap before the big travelling adventure!

Catzee said...

Yur mom ,makes kitty treats? She must be furry talented.

TheSlyCat said...

do you guys need a place to stay on the way? our apartment is open for visitors in chicago!