Friday, August 17, 2007

uh.. Mom....

Uh, Mom, what's with this Gizzy quilt? It's like, Gi-NORmous? I know you've been tired lately, but have you lost your marbles or something?

I'm fine. It's not a kitty quilt, Millie.

Well, it must be for a very big WOOFIE, because it's like the size of three Gizzy quilts.

It's not a woofie quilt either, Millie.

Is it for a big bean?

It's too small for a big bean.

Is it for a kid bean?


Is it for a toddler bean, like Babybean?

No. This quilt isn't for Babybean.

Well, what's bigger than a cat, smaller than a woofie, and smaller than Babybean?

It's for a Newborn baby bean.

A Newborn baby bean? I don't believe it. I've seen newborn beans and they are TINY. They are as big as me. That quilt is HUGE! I wanna see this newborn baby.

The baby isn't born yet.


Oh-kay. ... I think I have to go lie down now. I think I need a nap. Monty Q... I'm going over to your house...

Once again, beans are weird, and I am so glad I am a cat.

Update, 8:30 PM: NO BABIES HERE! This quilt will be flying (like the stork) to a family far, far away over an ocean and then some.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Are you sure she didn't mean a newborn baby lion??? Then the lion will grow into it.

The Meezers or Billy said...

maybe it's for a litter of newborn baby beans.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Has she been in your nip again?

Skeezix the Cat said...

wow, that's a byootiful qwilt!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Does this mean that there is going to be another babybean in the house?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Um, who's haffing a baby bean? We'z gots a grandbaby bean coming in November but we don't know about any other ones...Speedy sed it today too, dat beans is weerd.

The Wanderer said...

Oooh, baby beans are the most fun. They burp and drooly all over the place. Then we can blames them when there is a mess. They are bestest!!!

~Napoleon,Hunter, & "GirlIntruder"~

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

So, is that meaning there is a new babybean in your house?

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Oh it looks so georgeous!!
It's so lovely and bright with all the happy colors. That'll be a perfect Quilt for little babybean. Can't wait 'till she's bornded.

purrrrrrs, Kashim & Othello