Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things Mom Has To Do (for Me)

  1. She has to get my website back up. (It expired.) Now she has to UPDATE it! It is here:
  2. She has to renew my domain registration (
  3. When she gets the website back up, she has to set up a Paypal shopping cart so the Babybean Raffle can get going. (She wants to get that set up A.S.A.P.)
  4. She has to make the Babybean Raffle Quilt.
  5. She has a bunch of other Gizzy Quilts to make. (I hope those cats will not mind if Mom makes Babybean's Raffle Quilt first)
  6. She has to get the shopping cart set up for the Holiday Gizzy Quilt Sale, which will happen on Sunday September 2 at Noon Eastern time.
  7. She has to help me post my Proverb. (I finally figured one out)
  8. She has to help me with my NOMSS friend post.
  9. She has to help me with my Schmooze blog. (I never thought of myself as a schmoozer)
  10. She has to do the dishes. (It has been so hot she has been ignoring them. But it really makes it hard for me to jump onto the counter...)
  11. She has to bring me to the v-e-t for my annual Rabies shot. (she has to catch me first!)
  12. She has received an order for the 100th Gizzy Quilt! Do you remember what that means?
  13. It means that Sammy and Miles Meezer will be getting their Gizzy Quilt for Free!


Poppy Q said...

sounds like your mom will be really really busy. But I know that she can cope under pressure and do all those awesome things for everybody else.

I just hope she has 10 minutes a day to put her feet up and realize what an angel she is to everybody.

Mum will finally be able to send you some pictures of me on my gizzy very very soon.

Hot(M)BC said...

Your Mom is gonna be reely bizzy, Millie. Make sure she sits down some at least. I'd be way bad for her to fall ofur in the floor from exzaustion.
And wow lucky Miles and Sammy!!! Maybe I can nap on their gizzy quilt with Miles when I telerport ofur to visit. hehehe

LZ said...

That is a lot of stuff to do! I'm really excited Sammy & Miles will get their quilt for free! We knew you were getting close when we were #75 but that means you have a lot of quilts to make!


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Your Mom is going to be so busy!
Maybe she will forget about that number eleven thing. I try to hide those cards from the v-e-t that remind Mom of these things.

~ Gracie

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, your mom has lots and lots to do! Very cool that Miles and Sammy get their Gizzy quilt for free. :)

The raffle for the BabyBean quilt is such a good idea. Being Canadian, I keep forgetting that health care actually costs a lot of money in certain parts of the world.

I can't wait for the holiday Gizzys! I hope they go on sale at a time that isn't the middle of the night here, so I can get one! I love my Gizzy quilt so much (as you can tell from last week's Thursday Thirteen!)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Wow, your mommy will be very busy. I think the raffle is such a great idea. Thank you for the information. We got some stuff (but don't want to spoil her surprise) to go with the man in brown shorts tomorrow.

I'm with Dragonheart, I can't wait for the holiday Gizzys!

Having said all that, go hide! If she can't find you, she can't catch you.

Anonymous said...

Wow Millie your mom sure is busy and has lots of stuff to do. We don't mind waiting for our quilts after the babybean quilt because that is much more important. Be sure that your mom takes time out to relax and pet you and Jasmine.

Daisy said...

Your mom is very busy. I hope she has time to rest and relax, too. Congratulations to Sammy and Miles!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Run and hide Millie, but not inside da PTU! Oh, yoor mom sounds furry bizzy hope she haz time to haf some fun and alaxashun wif yoo and Jasmine.

Karen Jo said...

Your Mom is going to be very busy, Millie. I hope she has some time each day to relax and give you and Jasmine some scritches.

Unknown said...

Wow, that sounds like a lot of things for your momma to have to get done. She will be a busy lady.

Unknown said...

Your Mum has alot of things to do for you. I think you might need to help her if she is ever to get it all done! You can sew some Gizzy quilts for her!

Anonymous said...

BooBoo doesn't mind waiting for his Gizzy quilt. In fact, mommy hasn't even told him he's getting one yet! It's gonna be a sirprize!

The Meezers or Billy said...

your poor mommy. tell her to take it easy not not get too hot or overwerked!

we is just so 'acited about getting the Gizzy quilt. ::doing happy dance:: wheeeeeeeeeeee

fank you fank you fank you!!

Just Ducky said...

You and your mum are furry busy with computer and quilt stuff. Tell her to stop and smell the roses too.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, I thot my Food Lady was bad abowt not helping me owt with my blogging stuff, but yer ladey is WAY bizzier! One hundred qwilts?? WOW! That's a LOT!