Mom went outside this morning and saw this:
SOMECAT CHEWED MY NIP! SOMECAT SMOTHERED MY NIP!!MY 'NIP!!!Mom brought it inside for me to inspect. It smelled OK. It smelled very, very good, in fact.

We tried to figure out a way to keep it outside so it could grow into a big, beautiful 'Nip plant. Mom did figure out a way to keep that bad somecat away from MY 'Nip.

She hanged it.
oh my stars! how dare some cat mess with YER nip!
Could it have been one of those outside kitties that did that horrible thing? We hope it recovers.
Sorry to hear that somecat was into your 'nip, Millie, but very glad that your mom came up with a terrific solution! :)
OH NO!!!! That was a terribly rude kitty. Although if I was outside & sad eating nip might make it feel better...Still, it should have asked.
Mommy had to hang mine outside too cause of that. Inside she puts it way high in the window so Bendrix & I can't get it. Not that we don't try...
Moms are so smart, aren't they?
::puffs up::
That's it! I'm teleportin' over RIGHT NOW to have a little 'talk' with the outdoor cats!
that was RUDE of somecat to do that!
Hendrix is right, if yoo get left outside and yoor furry sad, nip will make you feel better. Da stuff dat mom has growing in da grownd down da hill got lots of visitors. It's how she trapped all da cats dat was running around wifout collars but wif der baby making parts. Now when she sees kitties in da nip dey haf collars on, so she smiles...but it's our nip and she should make dem go away!
That's certainly RUDE of somekitty to steal nip, but like da ofurs said, if it's a lonesome outdoor kitty that no bean luvs, maybe it made dem happy for a bit,so maybe you can furgive dem! We thinks your Mom camed up wif the purrfect solushun!
That could have been a terrible tragedy! Thank goodness the nip survived.
Wow, its a really good thing your mom came up with that brilliant idea. I can't believe some cat did that. I tell you, must have been a rogue kitten. Youth these days!!
You have a very smart Mom, Millie!! That's a wonderful idea to hang it and since cats don't fly, it's safe!Shame on whoever smashed it in the first palace.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
I swear it wasn't me! ~Fiona Bun
hanging nip is the only solution if you don't want the outdoor kitties to get it!
You've been tagged for a meme. Stop by to see the "stuff"
Oh, and sorry your catnip got hurt by some clumsycat! I love to play in MY patch...
Those dastardly nip vandals! But your mom really showed 'em with that hanging idea!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
I've never seen a picture of a real 'Nip plant before. Wow, and you have your very own REAL plant. You are the luckiest cat I've ever met before. I'm sorry some cat or cats smashed your plant, but it must have been impossible to resist. Now think of their frustration to come by and only be able to stare at your 'Nip hanging down like that. It'll drive them crazy which will be their just punishment for squishing your plant in the first place. That's what I think. So quick tell me where I can order me one of those plants. I found momma's password to her paypal account and I don't know how much time I have before the 5 cat trees I ordered comes along. Please don't tell my momma about the quilt that I ordered from your mom. Mr. mailman and I have an understanding that I receive all the packages at my home for verification of correct delivery.
So if you know where they sell those live 'Nip bushes online, let me know please. Thank yous, Tyler
Hi Tyler
Mom grew my Nip plant from seeds she got from Burpee seeds.
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