13 Crazy Things Mom and Beans Do (in no particular order)
1. The Mouth Hummer thing. I wouldn't put anything like that in MY mouth!
2. Mom digs in my litterbox and picks out the stuff I buried. I don't ever want to see that again, what does she want with it?
3. What's with the bath in the rainbox? I don't need to get completely wet to get clean, so why does she? She's got a tongue.
4. She doesn't eat stinky goodness. She eats that yukky green leafy food. Why?
5. What's with this Day Hunting bit? I don't work, why does she?
6. I don't get the whole clock/watch/time thing. And don't get me started about "losing sleep." I've seen her sleep, how can she lose it?
7. She goes out in the morning for a walk. Why? I mean, I don't have a problem meandering around without a purpose to enjoy the trip, but she just goes out and comes back with nothing to show for it.
8. She's preoccupied with the little flat thing with the numbers on it that lives in the litterbox room. She gets on it every day. Some days she's happy, some not. If she doesn't like it, why doesn't she just get rid of it?
9. I don't understand why she needs to have so many different things to eat in the house. I eat the same thing every day. Why can't she?
10. Why does the rug need to be sucked?
11. Why does she have so many different clothes? I have one outfit, and am always perfectly attired. She has like a squillion different things.
12. I don't understand why there are always guys on the picture box hitting balls. They hit little balls with skinny sticks, they hit balls with big sticks, they hit balls with bent sticks. They throw funny shaped balls, they bounce big balls, they throw really heavy balls at stuff. And beans watch this stuff like All The Time. Enough with the balls already.
13. Why do beans have dogs? When they could have a Cat?
Millie,it must be a bean thing cause my bean does those things too!
If you figure it out,let us know.
Too much to think about now.Ineed a nap. Meow later,Mickey
See, we told yoo beans is weerd.
Beans are very strange. I'll never understand them!
More than wired...beans is WACKY!
Hi Millie, effun if I liff to be a jillion years old I will neffur understand beans. Dey do sum really weird stuff. Good fing dey haff us to keep dem in line.
Millie, with regards to #3, I think humans are like Sphynx, which makes sense, since humans don't have fur, just like Sphynx! My tongue can't keep up with the oil that my skin secretes, since there is no fur for the oil to distbribute itself though, and it builds up on my skin. Since humans don't have fur either, I bet oil builds up the same way!
I totally agree with #13!
"Mom digs in my litterbox and picks out the stuff I buried. I don't ever want to see that again, what does she want with it?"
maybe she gives it to the dog down the street? dogs are gross like that.
yeh, you are a handsome boy. :)
Hey, number 2 is about "number 2"! I think it is weird how beans want to dig that stuff back up too. It's buried for a reason!
Yup, beanz is furry weird, we agrees! Great list Millie! We agrees wif DragonHeart about the baff stuff, it makes sense! Wait, if that's true then beanz wouldn't do it acause they never make sense..hmmm..
Beans are crazy!
I agree, what is with #10? We finally get our furs everywhere, and then they get sucked!
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