Sunday, June 10, 2007

Jasmine's Quilt

Mom is making Jasmine a Gizzy Quilt. She says it isn't going to be like anybody else's Gizzy quilt. No kidding. It's only got three colors: Black, White and Turquoise. Mom said she got her inspiration from seeing Danica Patrick's team colors.

So Mom cut all kinds of strips for Jasmine's quilt. All in black, white and turquoise. But they are a lot littler than the strips she usually cuts. And she's getting awfully fussy about how she puts them together.

She even cut those big strips into smaller pieces.

I do not know how this is going to turn out. It is going to be very weird.

Mom's gonna watch the French Open tennis Men's final today. That's the game where they play with sticks and run around hitting a yellow ball on a blue playing field. Except Mom says this field is orange and it is clay.

Once again, I am so glad I am a cat.


Parker said...

Jasmine should have her very own special Gizzy quilt! Good for her!
I can't wait to see mine. Mommy comes home Thursday night and I get to open it then. It has been torture knowing it's here...

Daisy said...

Those colors are pretty! I think turquoise really pops next to Jasmine's black furs.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I think this will be a cool gizzy quilt - the colours are so striking!

Just Ducky said...

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Zoey and the furballs said...

That does look very special. We can't wait to see it when it's finished.

Lux said...

This should be interesting - nice colors!