Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Hiss - The Look

Here is a picture of Jasmine and I. This is what happens when we are in the same room together. She tries to scare me away by giving me "The Hiss." I give her "The Look" back.


Monty Q. Kat said...

I'll protect you, Millie!

..and then you can squish me on the hammock. MomBean gave me a talk on proper squishing ed-e-cit but I still don't get the 'wrong paw and tape' part.

Christine and FAZ said...

I hate being hissed at too. FAZ



I give out the "LOOK" a lot myself. But, I will hiss and spit if need to be get my point across. Normally the look works for me, it gets my message across.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We've stopped effun looking at Zippy. We walk by, she hisses, we just keep walking. When mom is giving her the morning paw treatment we stay away just becuz she can get pretty cranky. Sadie and her actually got into a fight and Sadie gots her in a corner and wouldn't let her out. She still hisses when we walk by. *sigh* must be an old lady thing.

Daisy said...

Pixie gives me the hiss. Every day. I am going to try giving her the look.

Around Your Wrist said...

millie, you look like you've got the look down pat. keep it up and don't take any wooden nickels from jasmine!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's not very nice of Jasmine to hiss at you! You are much better behaved simply giving her "the Look" Millie. :) And you have "the Look" down to a fine art!

Merlin said...

"The Look" would scare me right off. I would never give you "The Hiss" again!

a fluffy feline friend said...

I hope that one day Jasmine will be your furriend and not give you The Hiss anymore.

Parker said...

eh, it happens. A lot. Right here in our house too. I have "The Paw of Death" and "The Look." Sometimes we are buddies, sometimes we aren't. Mommy is going to get some more Feliway and see if things improve. Maybe your Mommy should try it too.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

we like "the look"
millie visit my new bloggie

Just Ducky said...

The Queen Jasmine wants to make sure you are kept in your place!