Mom's Bizzy for Gizzy again. Now that the fleece is here, she's making kitty quilt sandwiches with the stuff. I think this is all well and good, but she's got to do something with all the dirty dishes spread out all over the kitchen counters. I can hardly find a place to sit so I can look out the windows.

Gizzy is giving himself a bath. Well, maybe a little bath. Mom's been giving him what she calls "sponge baths" every few days. She brought him to the v-e-t again this morning for some Sub-Q fluids and a weight check. He's lost a pound.
Mom is trying to find something he'll eat. He eats, but only a really little bit at a time. If she gives him treats, Jasmine and I come over to get some. If I try to get some, Gizzy gives up and walks away.
Mom's tried baby food; he sniffs it, walks away. Mom's tried tuna; he sniffs it, walks away. She's tried soft chicken treats, he licks them, mouths them, they drop out of his mouth, he sniffs them, he walks away. Last week she had a pork chop, and he was right there, begging (and eating) bite after bite. I'm gonna go tell her to have pork chops every night for dinner.
When I try to cheer him up, he growls at me. Big, nasty growls. And sometimes he tries to hit me.
The only time he seems happy is when he's in Mom's lap.
We are so sorry to hear that Gizzy is not eating very much. Maybe he would like some fishy flakes on his food. Maybe the VET could prescribe some periactin. It works pretty well.
Gizzy!!!! Why aren't you eating now? We thot it was dat hareball!
Get better soon, buddy!
Those fleece quilts will be great for the kitties who live in colder climates!
I'm sorry Gizzy is losing weight. Sometimes baby food like lamb or veal is tempting. If Gizzy needs sub-q fluids a few times a week, it is pretty easy to do it yourself. I hope Gizzy starts feeling better again soon.
Aw, poor Gizzy. Millie, maybe yoo shood let him eat da treets wifout trying to get them yoorself. It's not his mouf dat hurts him, is it? Shoot, we were hoping it was just da hairball making him sicky. Well, we'll just hafta keep on purraying fur him.
o, Gizzy, we wuz hopin it wuz tha giant hairball. u's in our purr-rayers, purrrssss, KC
Hope Kitty feels better soon.
Contact Mimi if you'd like to participate in promoting BlogBlast For Peace again this year. Hope to see you there.
Have a great weekend!
Poor Gizzy sure hope he starts eating soon. He sure doesn't sound to happy. Prayers going up for him so he will feel better soon. Millie, your Mom sure makes pretty quilts with all their pretty colors.
Hello Millie and her Mom, here's some tips from to help an icky feeling cat want to eat, and therefore feel better. :-)
Tips for Getting Your Cat to Eat:
Warming the food in the microwave for a few seconds to room temperature or slightly warmer may make it more palatable (i.e. strengthen the aroma) to the cat.
Mix different low protein foods together. You just might hit on the right combination.
Mix dry foods together (one the cat likes with a low protein food). Place them in a closed container for a period of time. The scents mix together and your cat may be enticed into eating the low protein food.
Mix combinations of canned low protein food and canned commercial food together.
To improve flavor, mix:
tuna juice (salt-free and packed in water only, not vegetable broth which may contain onions)
clam juice
low-salt chicken broth (without onions)
beef broth (without onions)
with any of the foods.
It's a good idea to mix a little warm water with the food at any time because every little bit of fluid helps. Do not use bouillon as it's too salty
Cats won't eat what they can't smell. Try sprinkling a little garlic powder on the food to increase palatability and aroma. Warning: While not as dangerous as onions, garlic does contain a low concentration of the compound found in onions that causes anemia in cats. If garlic powder helps to get your cat to eat when nothing else will, then use it. Don't use it often and if you do use it, use it sparingly.
Sometimes cats can be coaxed to eat. Talk to the cat, stroke the cat, sit with the cat, then offer a plate of food and wait or try to hand-feed.
Try placing food on the cat's paws or mouth to 'jump-start' the cat.
Ask your veterinarian or check pet supply catalogs for flavor enhancers which can be sprinkled on food to entice the cat to eat.
To keep food fresh and palatable, feed small amounts at frequent intervals, particularly if your cat is a 'nibbler'.
If your cat likes 'people tuna', you can try mixing tuna and water in the blender to make 'tuna water' to mix with other foods.
Try mixing a tiny bit of catnip with the food.
Experiment and be creative.
Oh poor Gizzy. It makes us very sad that Gizzy is not feeling well. We wish we had some advice for you, but it seems you have tried everything. Maybe you do have to maky pork chops every day.
Oh and Bubbles would be happy to mail Madness off, no matter how far it is. :-)
That is a very pretty quilt today - what colour kitty will be receiving it?
I'm sending special nosenuzzles to my friend Gizzy - we love him so much.
We are worried about Gizzy too. Please Gizzy eat something. Can you give him treats without the other cats around, like take him to the bedroom/bathroom and close the door?
I'm sorry Gizzy's not eating and not feeling well. Don't take his growling and sparring personally, Millie! It's just cause he's unwell. I'm glad he finds happiness in your Mom Lady's lap. I bet your Mom Lady finds happiness with a cat in her lap!
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