My Secret Paw package arrived today from Mew Jersey. It's from Timmy! Thank you Timmy! And everything in it is
PINK! My favorite color!
I wasn't sure about the package, so checked it out before I let the Lady take the stuff out of the box.

Isn't this little
pink bag of goodies cute!
PINK! My favorite color!

There is a beautiful handmade
pink blankie!

There are
pink mousies,

and a
pink bouncie toy!

and some Fancy Feast, and some noisy rattly
pink balls

Thank you Timmy! Thank you so much!
That is a lot of pink! Looks like you hit the jackpot!
oooooh - sumbuddy tell Skeezix ta check this out! you got sum furry grate stuff an we most 'specially love that blanket!
Wow, you are very lucky! Pink is my favorite color.
o, Millie, pink definitely be ur's color. what a lots of purrty fings u's gotted from Timmy. Wow.
You got some excellent stuff in your Secret Paws from Timmy. You look furry good in pink, too. Love the blankie! Be careful! Skeezix might teleport over and appropriate some of your lovely pink goodies!
DaisyMae Maus
If Skeezix teleports over Jasmine will take care of him.
Oh that's a great little bag! I got that in red! My favourite! Though my jingly balls are all pink! That's a great secret paws!! I hope you had a good Christmas, and my OTW says thank you to your lady for putting her biscotti recipes up. She's going to try some soon!
One-eyed Jack, the Lady has about three more biscotti recipes to put up. But she says the BIG favorite is the Chocolate Pecan Mandelbrot. Have your OTW make those first.
Lucky! Timmy is the first cat we met in the cat blogosphere when it was relatively small! His grammie makes those "kitty cozys" for shelter cats in their area. Isn't that nice??? What a great bunch of loot you got! ps: we love the shot of you on your haunches!
Hi Dear Millie!
I was oh so very honored to have such a very famous poodin' as yourself! I got right in the monster-with-wheels and wented to PetSmart to buy your gifts! I really, truly did pick them out myself! I meowed real loud and it maked Momma's head turn and see what I wanted to get for you! I gave you that special stinky goodness...I'm only allowed to have that kind on special occasions...and Grammie maked that kozy just for you! Enjoy sweet poodin!
PS-we all liked the picture of you and the bouncy toy oh so very much! Momma maked it all way big and we giggled at how cute you looked!
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