Monday, December 18, 2006

Missy's Monday

When the Lady's Mom comes over, her little Shih Tzu, Missy, comes with her. In fact, when the Lady and her Mom got me from Dan and Maggie back in August, Missy was with them. Missy likes cats, and always wants to play with me. I'm still kinda scared of a lot of things, so when Missy comes looking for me, I run away. She's okay as long as she stays at least two Gizzys away.Here's Missy dressed up for the Holiday, with bells on her front feet and her collar. I'm not so sure she's crazy about this outfit. She's pretty for a woofie, and this isn't the best picture of her.

On the other paw, although I have let lots of visitors see me, today was the first time I let somebody other than the Lady touch me. I let her Mom give me head scritches.

And yes, I have been asking the Lady to pet me every day. I don't think I'll be sitting in her lap any time soon. I'd say I'm never gonna sit in her lap, but I said I'd never let her pet me, or ask her to pet me, and now I do both of those things, so... I'm just gonna go take a nap under the Christymas tree.


zorro's crew said...

It was very nice of you to let the grandma cive you head scritches. I am sure she enjoyed the gift very much.

The Crew said...

You know Millie, havin' a Mom is a really good thing and I don't think it'll be too long before you find yourself sleepin' on your Mom's lap!

Your friend
Misty E

LZ said...

Yeah, I've been feeling pettable myself lately. Usually I don't want to be touched but recently it feels kind of nice and I start to purr. Especially in bed I've been very snuggly.


The Wanderer said...

That is a semi cute Poor Woofie!

Just wanted to leave a quick note to spread the word...let everyone know they need to come to my blog today (12/18/06) to vote for the name of the new kitty.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Da bells jinglin prolly make her krazy, I know dey wood drive me krazy. Yoor gettin less and less feral effury day. Momma skitches are furry nice, momma laps with skritches are efun bettur.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.......24 Gizzies away would be more reasonable to us. -Scooby, Shaggy & Scout