Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christymas Tree

The Lady fixed up the tree. She took off the lights and the strings of little red balls. She took off the sparkly stuff. Then she straightend and fluffed up all the branches. When she was happy with that, she started putting new things on it. There are teddy bears, hearts, angels, birds, bugs, stars and boxes. There are snowflakes, and Santas and snowmen. There's a giraffe, a crab, a fish, an elephant and at least one mousie. There's an egg, strawberries and a candy candy cane. There's a moon. There are pictures of Mr Karate when he was a Little Sticky Person. And even something that looks like a vishus deer, but the Gizzy says it's one of Santa's reindeer. This Christymas tree even has a mask, socks and a skirt!


Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh Millie, I think the Lady put those up there for you as toys. That fish looks like a very nice toy. We think there is catnip in it. Mybe you should investigate?

Milton said...

Oh, my!
It looks like you have lots & lots of stuff to investigate and knock off. You have a very busy time ahead of you young lady. ;)

PrincessMia said...

Neat! I hope I get one of those.

Lux said...

What a pretty tree! I sure hope Mom puts one up despite me and my ways!

Millie said...

The Lady said I can play with any ornament I can reach if I keep two feet on the floor. She can say anything she wants. I'm still gonna climb the tree. I have climbed it. I can climb up the back, but there aren't any ornaments back there. And she's hung the good ones out at the ends of the branches where I can't reach. I've knocked out a couple of branches, and she just puts them back in. I guess this makes us both happy. She gets her tree, decorated, and I don't get to break much stuff.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a very good arrangement, Millie. Now you are both happy.

Unknown said...

We think your Lady is pretty smart in how she decorated that tree! But we bet you can still get quite a few ornaments off with just a little effort ... -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu