When the Lady comes home after hunting, I follow her around, and she pets me. I let her rub my head, and give me sctritches behind my ears. Yeah, I know I said I was NEVER gonna ask for this kind of attention. So I was wrong on both counts. I like it and I'll ask for it.
Millie, sometimes it takes a little while to get used to the pets and the loves. But once ya do there's no going back!
That's great Millie. Soon you will be a lapcat. He, he. You are such a cutie.
We HAVE to get attention from the People. That's how we control them! Youre doign good!
well, when you're little, you fink you know efurryfing, until they skritch you behind the ear, and then you can't live wifout it. - Miles
You *deserve it, too, Millie! Hands can make you feel *really good!
We know you're really in charge there Milllie!
Scritches are very good Millie ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko Ko
I'm so glad you are changing your mind about pets and scritches around the ears. So don't look so sad. It's so good to be loved by a Mom.
I'm not sad, I was sleeping.
My little princess is all growned up.
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