I haven't let her pick me up, or trim my claws for two whole months. She doesn't know how much I weigh, but I am a lot bigger now. I'm still a nice svelte kitty. I still like my beef stinky goodness. I love Gizzy. I am liking the Lady a lot. If I ask politely, she will give me treats. Yesterday I sat on the chair next to hers as she worked on her silver lapbox in the table room. I let her pet me when I am not eating, and even when I am not near food. She rubs my neck and cheeks, and I like that.
It's nice you let your Mom take your picture with that flashy thing. I'm sure you went back to your nap after you made her happy. Time sure does go by fast, Mom says she hardly can believe she has had Cleo for over a year now. I am sure you will let your Mom pet you more as time goes by cause you will like it more and more. When I'm not in the mood and she is Mom picks me up and gives me a hug and a kiss then puts me back down. Then sometimes I can't get enough pets.
Wow, three whole months! We have said it before, but we'll say it again, we are so glad that you found such a great forever home. And we don't like it when Mom trims our claws either. Mrs. B screams as if she is being skinned alive, even though Mom tries to be so carefull.
Oh and Mom loves your little pink nose.
Don't let 'em pick you up to weogh you. Once they do they think tehy're entitled to comment on your weight. Let them epople pet you and give you crunchy treats, but never get on the scale!!!
oh happy 3 monf gotcha day!
Congratulations little Miss Millie! We're furry glad you are getting nice and settled in but still keeping yore indypendints and not letting the lady cut yore claws. Keep up the good werk!!
Finny & buddy
Happy 3 Month Gotcha Day! Isn't it the best being in a nice warm home, getting food handed to you and gettingn ice gentle scritches! I am glad you get to have all that love now!
happy 3-month gotcha day!!! sweetie, you will like it lots more as time goes on. you may think she's "giving" you something by doing that (and she is), but you are giving much more back to her--your love and trust. that's the bestest thing you will efurr do in all your 9 lives!! you were born to be in that house, little one; enjoy!
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