Gizzy tells me I have to straighten something out. I didn't even know it was crooked.
The boy isn't a boy. He's a man. But I can't call him the man because some people might think he belongs to The Lady, and he does, but not that way. The Lady is his Mom. I can't call him the Son because the sun is in the sky and that would be confusing. If he did live here, I could call him the Son because everybody would know he belongs here, but he doesn't. So what am I gonna call him?
Gizzy tells me that the boy (I'm gonna use that for right now) has a special thing he loves. He has belts. A white belt, a yellow belt, an orange belt, a purple belt, a blue belt, a green belt, a red belt, two brown belts and then a special belt (he couldn't keep) and then a Black Belt. Except that now he has a Second Black Belt. WELL! I dunno about you, but I haven't seen a people that can wear that many belts at one time. I think I'll call him Mr. Belt.
... uh oh... wait a minute...
Gizzy says I can't call him that. But he thinks I should call him Mr Karate. I think I should just call him Karate, but Gizzy says No, I can't do that either, because the boy teaches the karate and the students call the teachers Mr or Mrs whatever their name is. So the boy HAS to be a Mister something. So the boy is now gonna be Mr Karate.
Gizzy LOVES Mr Karate. Mr Karate was Gizzy's person. I like Mr Karate too. Here's a funny thing. Mr Karate has longer head fur (oops, I mean hair) than the Lady.
People are SO confusing!
we think "the boy" is a perfectly fine term. that's what we call ours, and he's 27 bean years old--so to beans, he's definitely a m-a-n. but to mom (and us, who growed up with him), he'll ALWAYS be "the Boy".
nels, ed, nitro, & xing
we knowed what you meaned by "the boy" we fink it's purrfectly akseptable
actually the Lady calls him "my baby" and he doesn't like that at ALL. That's partly the reason she still does it. He's 26.
But seriously, she thinks he's old enough NOT to be referred to as simply the boy, since he's worked so hard to grow up, and she thinks he's done such a nice job of it. So it's a sign of her respect for him, and her admiration, that she "upgrade" his blog name.
I think yoo shood just call him the boy. We all no whut yoo meen. And at leest with all thoze belts he never has to werry abowt his pants falling down!
Maybe Mr. Karate Belt Man? hehehe We knewed what you mean tho :)
Maybe I should call him Mr Boy?
Mr. Boy sounds perfect, Millie!
You must be a little girl if you only weigh 5 pounds! Your picture looks cute!
Actually I like Mr Karate myself.
-- the boy
Well, that settles that.
I think the boy is a wonderful speciman of boys that age. Karate makes him strong, I would not mess with him. I think Jasmine is really sick and you Millie should be very nice to her. You know when she is gone you will miss her very much, and you are going to have to help your lady, she will be sad.
Hey! Your Mr. Karate sounds like our dad AND mom! They both have lotsa belts and long hair. (Mom's hair is longer than Dad's, though.) Anyway, they both understand how dedicated Mr. Karate is and what he has accomplished!
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