You know, I just want to have fun. I have a nice safe place to live. I have lots of food to eat (even though the Lady has to put my stinky goodness bowl under the bureau so Gizzy can't eat it), I have lots of nice windows to sit in and watch the world. I have nice soft places to sit, like the Lady's bed, and places I can go to watch the big cats (like the kitchen counters, but don't tell the Lady). I have two cats as companions, you'd think they'd be happy to see me. After all, I'm an internet celebrity.
But what do I get? Mean, mean hisses and growls. I even get big hisses and growls from Jasmine, and she tries to swat me and chase me if I try to play. Sheesh! She's big, but she can run REAL FAST if she gets mad enough, and she growls worse than Gizzy. Gizzy doesn't want to play all the time, but he isn't mean about it. Jasmine just plain doesn't want me around at ALL.
I don't want to be the number one cat. I don't want to be the number two cat. I just want to be the number three cat in a happy three cat family. I think the big cats want me to go away. But I know the Lady wants me to stay. She said so.
I purred a little when she petted me at dinner tonight. And I tried to play with her toesies. She wiggles them a lot when she talks on the noisemaker and when she tappy taps on the silver lapbox.
Oh dear, it's bedtime...
That's way good! Just be patient wif Jasmine...she's not used to havin' any ofur cats (besides Gizzy) around.
Millie honey, it's ok - Jasmine will accept you in her own time. and YAY! for purring when she petted you!
Dont' worry Millie. Max whapped me for about 6 weeks after I came to live here, but he finally stopped and now we play together. Good girl for letting your Mom pet you!
Misty E.
Well done with the purr! Yea, just be patient. The elder kitties are set in their ways and need some time to come around and see what a sweet kitty you are.
You must attack the wiggling toesies. All self respecting kitties love to attack the wiggling things!!! Rajjah says meeeeooooW!
Don't worry, little Miss Millie, Miss Jasmine will calm down soon enuff. And Gizzy will prolly deside he wants to play more too. But sometimes older cats get tired faster than us younger cats, so he mite let you play by yoreself sometimes.
You are doing reely good!
Finny & Buddy
Hang in there, Millie. Ask yur Mom to try some wand toys like Da Bird an the Cat Charmer. I get 15 minutes "play therapy" efurry nite before bed to get out my energy so I don't pounce Bonnie so much. You'll furget yur mom's holdin the toy an they help dis-track you an burn energy while Gizzy an Jasmine adjust.
Just a suggestion... I still like Grr's ideas of a real birdy wif fev-vers or a real mousie.
Hmmm...I hate to suggest it but maybe your mom should get a kitten to be friends with you. When we got Loki, none of the other Brats would have anything to do with him. The Mom then got Monkee to keep him company and they are the best of friends. Just a thought.
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