Ho-hum. The Lady came home late, fed us, made a steak dinner for herself, then sat down in her chair to read a book. Jasmine sat with her for a while. I was on the couch, relaxing. What a boring evening. The Lady didn't even turn on the picture box and watch the guys hit the yellow ball on the blue squares with sticks like she did last night. Last night it was all, "oh, Oh, OH!" and she was raving about some guy named Andre. I dunno who this Andre is, he wasn't here. I didn't smell him.
Oh you had a nice quiet night with the Lady. That is the best kind of evening. The Lady did not watch the little yellow ball, cause it rained. The yellow ball does not like to get wet.
Darling Millie your mom needs to watch hockey. It's way more exciting! You look awful cute on that blue blankie!
Scooby, Shaggy, Scout... Actually the Lady loves to watch hockey. We are, after all, in New Hamster, where UNH hockey is BIG. And she goes to the hockey games in the winter with her Dad to watch some butterflies (I don't get it either). But she thinks watching good tennis is very exciting. She takes a vacation every year so she can watch the tennis on TV. Yeah, I know that's nuts. She also watches the guys hit the tiny white ball on Sundays and she watches a bunch of guys named Pat in the fall and winter. She says they are the Best. I'm tellin' ya, People are s-t-r-a-n-g-e.
I hate it when the human pet thinks her life is more important than mine. It's just crazy talk! Try giving your human pet some serious headbutts to see if that knocks some sense into her! ;)
Hoomanmommy is singin sumpin she calls Da Doors... "faces are ugly when you're alone"?? When are we ever alone?
We've seen those Pats too, but Hoomanmommy says her guys are bears. Funny, we didn't know bears were blue and orange and walked on twolegs! We thought they were all either brown or white and furry.
Hi Millie,
I found your blog through another blog link, and I think you're adorable and such a witty kitty. My 5 cats are not allowed online, but I've been telling them about you. What is your backstory? I only know that you were a stray hit by a car, saved by a wonderful man named Malcolm. Is your story online somewhere? The lady sounds like a wonderful caretaker for you and Jasmine and Gizzy. Tell Jasmine I'm sorry to hear about her eye.
Renata in Iowa
Oh Renata,
I have the single most unbelievable back story you could ever imagine!
Check out:
(this may not be a link, so just copy and paste it into your browser.)
and read it all the way through.
You can take a side trip to Dan and Maggie's blog to see a picture of me with the Lady.
If you make it that far, you can read all the archives of my blog. And then you'll know almost everything there is to know about me. Because, seriously, a celebrity needs to keep some things secret!
I never said I didn't get any. I did get some. We all got some.
You sure do look relaxed Millie. You look like my sister Cleo. In a few days she will have been with us for a whole year. Mom has been reading some of the posts. She was sad to read about Jasmine. Your Mom is doing the same as mine just loving her like she is our doggie as much as she can as she might have to put her down too eventually. It is suspected she has cancer, but so far they don't know where. They thought it was bladder cancer but there is no tumor. She is bleeding through the urethra, what ever that is. Anyhow Mom is doing pretty good but she cries every now and then. Take care of your Mom Millie and give her purrs and love. BTW so glad you got some of that steak. Sounds yummy
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