Mr Karate teases Mom all the time because whenever he asks about how something is done, she always says, "It's so easy..." He gives her a silly cross-eyed look.
"It's easy if you know how."
Mom thought you might like to know how. So over the next few days, she's gonna tell you. Because it would be a very long blog, we're gonna do one step at a time.
The first step to make a quilt is to get some fabric. (Now we're talking about kitty quilts, so we're not gonna get all complicated about measuring and stuff.) Mom likes to get fabric at eQuilter. But she also buys it from a store nearby. You want 100% cotton. When you get it home, it has to go in the washing monster, then the drying monster. Then it has to be ironed, to get the wrinkles out.
This picture is the fabric Mom and her sister bought to make a crazy quilt for their Mom. You might see some of these in the kitty quilts.
You can click the pictures to biggify.
Next step: Cutting strips. Stay tuned.
Wow, all of that fabric looks very cool! What a great idea to explain how your mom makes a quilt, a step at a time. :)
I hope all goes well for Gizzy at the vet's! I'm sending positive purrs his way.
Yes, I am very excited seeing how this works, step by step. Great idea.
Also, we have Gizzy in our thoughts and prayers today.
pee ess: Missy already has her eye on the blue fabric above for her a quilt!!!
We like learning new things and step one was a good one. We love touching the warmth on anything that comes out of the drying monster!
Good luck and lots of positiveness to Gizzy today!
China Cat & Willow
Hi Millie, I went to eQuilter out of curiosity - I'm not a quilter - and boy do they have a lot of stuff! Would you ask your mom what a "fat quarter" is? Thanks!
Our mom is so fumble fingered she'd probably sew her fingers together!
oooh - this is gonna be great! we gots 2 sewing masheens in owr howse, but the Lady hazzn't had time ta make anyfing in a long time. now the Quiet Girl has a sewing class in skool. bet she's gonna wanna make one of these. we're gonna show her.
Hi! I'm wun of Skeezix's frends and caym heer cuz he told us abowt yer kitty qwiltz. My ladee wantz to noe if yoo arr sellin them sumwhair online. She wud like to help owt wif Gizzy's billz an buy wun of yer qwilts, maybee 2.
I hope Gizzy is feelin bettur.
best wishez,
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