Thursday, April 30, 2009

Truthful Thursday

Lookit what Mom did to my litterbox. She has been mumbling something about having a cat with bad aim.

I do NOT know what she is talking about. Whenever I do my business, all four of my feets are inside the box.

(Mom rolls eyes)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is the treat tin. Lookit! Greenies and Temptations! It's stuffed full of goodies.

This is where it lives.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We'll miss you, Oreo!

Oreo was one of the first cat blogs I visited when I started blogging. He went to the Bridge on Monday. He was a great cat, and will be sorely missed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mysterious Monday

What do you get when you have one gigantic bowl of fruit, one woofie, one birthday boy,
two cousins, two cellos, two apple tarts, two dads, two sisters,
three black belts, three moms, four different households, five different jars of jelly, six things to eat (fruit, bacon, tart, muffins, granola and eggs) and seven beans who ate everything?

One cat hiding under the bed, that's what.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hot Hot Hot...

Holy moley! It was 90F (32.2C) degrees here on Saturday. It was so warm, all the windows were open and I could smell the good smells outside. Mom was happy for a long time, and then it started to get Too Hot, and I started looking around for a cool spot for napping.

It won't be very Easy around here this morning. Mom is cooking all kinds of stuff for the fambly. They are coming over to celebrate Mr Karate's birthday. Mom is cooking bacon, corn muffins, an apple cheese tart, there will be lots of fruit, and Mim-may will be bringing baked eggs.

I'll be having Stinky Goodness! Lucky me!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Surprise Saturday

My friend Oreo, (who doesn't have a blog) sent me some green present papers from PetSmart for my birthday. I could get anything I wanted! So I chose this nifty toy, called a Fling-ama-string.
I helped Mom get it ready.
Here I am watching the string... It falls down on my head if I get too close. (I don't like things that fall on my head.)
I am gonna catch that string someday...

Thank you Oreo!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday

You would think that if Mom was on vacation this week I'd at least get my blogs posted on time every day.

Apparently not. Mom has been doing all kinds of stuff, but a bit more slowly. So my FFF post is late today! My apologies to all.As you can see, I'm really broken up about it.

(Thank you all for the birthday wishes to Mr Karate yesterday.)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr Karate!

It's Mr Karate's birthday today! In honor of Mr Karate, I am going to tell you some things you might not know about him.

He loves Mom's brownies. He likes them with ice cream, too!
He loves the rain.
Even getting wet.
He likes to cook.He loved playing with Gizzy.
He plays with computers
Lots of computers.He likes to ride his bicycle, but he's not so good at trying to take pictures of himself.He loves sushi!

He loves playing the cello.One of the things he loves the mostest is Karate. He has two Black Belts and is working for his Third.Happy Birthday Mr Karate!
We love you a lot! Many purrs, headbutts and smootchies to Mr Karate on his special day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

It was a rough day yesterday. First I got shoved into the PTU, then brought to the v-e-t, and finally stabbed with a really big needle. I was Not Happy. In fact, I was a little bit hissy at Mom when we finally got home.
Can you blame me?

Of course, I was also Totally Freaked Out, and I needed to cuddle next to somecat. But there is no Other Cat, there is only Mom. So I sat in front of her and just kept meowing. Eventually she got the message and went to sit down in the recliner.

I was very fortunate that she was home on vacation. It was also a lucky thing that Mim-may came over and the three of us watched the new HBO adaptation of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. (If your bean moms haven't read the books, Mom heartily recommends them, and the first one is here, from Amazon.)

Yes, I admit it. I sat next to Mom for the entire afternoon, and right up until bedtime.

I'm feeling much better today, thank you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This morning I knew something was up when Mom came into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I do not like that. I started howling right away. The PTU (prisoner transport unit) was already in there, and Mom wanted me to get into it. Yeah, right.

Finally, she got me in it, and then she got her coat and we went outside (eek!) into the metal masheen and went for a ride to the stabby place.

Well I just got back. I saw the V-e-t. He was a very nice bean. He said I am perfect. I am not fat. As long as I do not gain weight, he said Mom can keep feeding me stinky goodness for breakfast and dinner. Woo hoo!

I got my vaccine (not a stab!), and then I got a microchip (big stab!). So if I ever get lost, I will be able to get back to Mom.

I am very happy to be home. I am going to find someplace comfy and warm to nap.

Monty gave me an award, and I will post it later. (I didn't forget, sweetie!)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Monday Funday

Well, Mom got up late this morning, but she's got to go to her day hunting gig. One of her servants has "issues." Guess it's not gonna be a funday Monday for her.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Super Sunday

As part of the cleaning frenzy, Mom did this to my hammick:
I hate when that happens. On the other hand, she did this:
She planted her seeds. She says there are SIX pots of 'Nip. Which sounded ok to me, but then I counted... she has THIRTY pots of Basil!

But here's the best part...Lookit! I am eating stinky goodness! Why is this picture such a big deal, you ask?

Because it is the SECOND can of stinky goodness in the same day! FINALLY, I have managed to convince Mom to give me stinky goodness for breakfast AND dinner!

Oh, and the hammick was back to normal after a couple of hours...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Something

Mom got up this morning, ate breakfast, got dressed and went out stuff-hunting. She left earlier than when she goes day-hunting. I thought she was gonna sleep late because she is on vacation.

Just goes to show how weird beans are. She brought back this stuff. It's stuff to CLEAN the house? She's crazy. She's on vacation and she wants to clean.

Naturally I had to check it out.And she got some things she claims to be pots, but they look kinda flat to me. She is gonna plant her seeds in them. You all know how she is a Basil freak. She has some Catnip in there for me, but look....Lookit how many packages of seeds! Only ONE of them is 'Nip!

How unfair is that?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday. Mom is thrilled. She turned off the alarm clock this morning and danced a little dance. After she day hunts today, she has a week of vacation, and she plans to sleep late every day.Will she nap the whole week through? What do you think? She's going to finish this Gizzy quilt for Bella, a woofie.
The metal masheen is getting new wheels, and the V-word has been mentioned with my name attached.

And we are still purring for Pokey! Isn't she pretty? Her Mom makes great quilts, too.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday When!

I like to make sure Mom's clothes are covered with my furs before she puts them on. Here I am checking out her pink sweater.

The big, big news, however, is that the big snowpile in the back yard is finally gone, and this marks the end of the When When Contest. The Consolation Prize goes to Shaggy, Scooby and Scout, who correctly guessed the date of April 16! Shaggy, Scooby and Scout will get some nifty treats.

So Shaggy, Scooby and Scout, send me your snail mail address. Email me at darlingmillie AT gmail DOT com!

We'll have the When When Contest again next year.

PS, Mom's quilting friend, Tonya, has a beloved cat Pokey, that has acute renal failure. Tonya has been crying. Please go over and leave her some purrs. Tonya is the lady that devised how to make the letters mom has been using in her quilts and is an inspiration to my Mom, so it would mean a lot. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuxie Tuesday

Bast! I wish I could get outside to chase those birds...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sweetbean!

This is Monty Q's Sweetbean. She is 3 years old today. Happy Birthday Sweetbean! Mom says she is a cutie-pie, and a very smart cookie!

Go over to Monty's blog and leave her some Happy Birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Sweetbean!
Happy Birthday to you!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Mom says there is an Easter Bunny. I do not see him. I am looking, but he must be hiding.
Spring must be finally here, because these Chives are growing! They are in a pot on the side porch.
But lookit this evil pile of snow that is still in the back yard! There are two like this. They were covered in dirt and leaves, which is why they are taking so long to disappear. The When When consolation prize is still up in the air (or on the ground, depending on how you look at it.)

Anyway, Happy Easter Everybody!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Sewing Assistant

Mom has finished the top for the baby quilt she is making. You know which baby. She was trying to work out which fabric she wanted for the back of the quilt, and I am helping. If you want to see more of this quilt in progress, you have to check out Mom's Quilting Blog.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Funny and Sad

You know, I don't ask for much. Stinky goodness, 'Nip, soft warm places to sleep, fresh water, a clean litterbox. Of course I also want Mom's attention whenever I want it. I like to get petted, rubbed, and I love scritches behind my ears.

Sometimes she ignores me.

I can play that game too.

We are deeply sad today to report that Mim-may & Pip-pay's, neighbor and friend Jill died on Wednesday. She was a favorite of PlusOne.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Three Birds Thursday

There are three birds out there in those bushes. I can see them...
but I can't get them.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Wordy Wednesday!

There is still a little bit of snow in the back yard. It is covered with dirt, and you can hardly see it, but it is there. The When When Contest for the consolation prize continues...
Honestly, Mom is always sticking the flashy box in my face.
I'm taking lessons in hypnotism from my friend Poppy Q. I'm trying to get Mom to give me stinky goodness for breakfast as well as dinner...