Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday. Mom is thrilled. She turned off the alarm clock this morning and danced a little dance. After she day hunts today, she has a week of vacation, and she plans to sleep late every day.Will she nap the whole week through? What do you think? She's going to finish this Gizzy quilt for Bella, a woofie.
The metal masheen is getting new wheels, and the V-word has been mentioned with my name attached.

And we are still purring for Pokey! Isn't she pretty? Her Mom makes great quilts, too.


  1. Oh Millie - not the V word!!!

  2. The V word and vacation shouldn't go together. We hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Oh, Millie, you must be excited that your mom will be home all week! We all understand your concern about the V word - but it won't be too bad! Happy Friday!

  4. Oh no...not the V! We like the quilt!

  5. Vacation! yeah! i know you ans Mom will have a good time! Any update on Pokey?

  6. The V-word must be about a vacation!

    We love the quilt your mom is making

  7. Vacations are good, that other V, well just pretend you didn't hear it!

  8. Now why would she ruin a perfectly good week off with a trip to the stabby place? I'll never understand people...

  9. That is a very pretty Gizzy, Millie! Hope she spends some time on vacation pampering you and not being too busy!
    We are overdue to see the vet, so a visit is in our near future too.

  10. Oh Millie, tats so nice ya get yer Mom home fer a whole week! An thats a nice Gizzie quilt she made.

    Sorry about the V werd though...

  11. Mum says 'yay' for the v word for your mum. VACATION!

  12. What a beautiful quilt! My mom is a fabric freak! She collects fabric!

  13. The quilet is beautiful.

    The V word, not so beautiful!

  14. I just had to go and visit your blog. Your blog title caught my eye. The quilt is beautiful.
    From another Millie
