Saturday, April 25, 2009

Surprise Saturday

My friend Oreo, (who doesn't have a blog) sent me some green present papers from PetSmart for my birthday. I could get anything I wanted! So I chose this nifty toy, called a Fling-ama-string.
I helped Mom get it ready.
Here I am watching the string... It falls down on my head if I get too close. (I don't like things that fall on my head.)
I am gonna catch that string someday...

Thank you Oreo!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun.Good luck getting the string.

  2. We have one of those and we Love it. it is great :)

  3. Oh my goodness that looks like loads OF FUN!! That was so cool of Oreo to send you some green papers for that cool toy! Have fun playing with it!
    Your FL furiends,

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Wowza! Dat lookz yike a really fun toy ta haz! We iz gonna meow at our momma 'bout dis one!

  5. I never saw that toy before but it looks like you are enjoying it!

    I missed Mr Karate's purrthday so happy purrthday to him - how cool that he shares it with Shakespeare! And it was St George's Day here.

  6. that looks like a fun toy! Angel does not like things coming at her head either!

  7. That looks pretty cool! I wonder if Buddah would like something like that...

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    What fun!

  9. String is always fun, as long as it moves!
