Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Almost Wordless Wednesday

This is the treat tin. Lookit! Greenies and Temptations! It's stuffed full of goodies.

This is where it lives.



  1. We know the feeling! Ours are in the one drawer Kirby has not learned to open!

  2. It's torture having your treats in a tin that you can see! Ours are hidden in the closet. We both know the sound of that closet opening, though...

  3. I can't get to any treat either!

  4. Your treat tin is high up. Ours isn't, but we still can't break into it.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  5. I could teleport over and knock it off for you. I love sitting on the top of our refrigerator. ~Scylla

    (sigh) We don't know how she gets to the top of the refrigerator and if Mommy kept our treats there she would gobble them all up without sharing with us. ~Socks, Charybdis & Fenris

  6. All the way up there????

  7. Ours are usually in a cabinet up high.

  8. Phhht. I can get it. When does your Mom go to work?

  9. Oh man!!! That is just cruel having the treat tim so high up there!

  10. Killian here,

    That's the same place where my treat box is...You think they are conspiring????

  11. Millie, my cats have the same problem - they can't get to the treats either. I learned the hard way that cats are much better at getting into treat bags, and even jars, then a person could ever realize. Think of it this way - if you had them all the time then they wouldn't be treats, they would just be like regular food. I know that probably doesn't really help but hopefully you get them pretty often!

  12. Miss Millie, I vote Monty and I 'port over there and pull that tin down for you! Then I could have one or two and then I'd 'port back home and leave you and Monty in peace. :)

  13. Our treat tin is locked away too. Anyone wud fink we'd help ourselves ...... ::sigh::
