Thursday, April 30, 2009

Truthful Thursday

Lookit what Mom did to my litterbox. She has been mumbling something about having a cat with bad aim.

I do NOT know what she is talking about. Whenever I do my business, all four of my feets are inside the box.

(Mom rolls eyes)


  1. LOL. BTW, we refuse to use the breeze boxes. Mom had to go back to using the regular litter.

  2. Looks like it is floating in a moat there Miss M.

    Looks tidy to us.

    I am so pleased I get to pee in the neighbours garden.

  3. HaHaHa! I know your aim is perfect Millie!

  4. It's the after-kick that kills ya!
    Burying those treasures causes lots of litter to fly.

  5. We had to do something similar when Edison joined our home bc he aims kinda high so we switched to covered boxes.

    Now, Millie, I know that all four of your feet are in the box when you use the box, but could some other part of you be somewhere else? Oooooh, say, your bottom hanging over the edge of the box? Just curious, ya know.

  6. our mom wonders why we haf to hang our butts out of the breeze boxes too - she keeps asking us to turn around so that our butts are inside.

  7. Did you have this issue before Breeze? Are you trying to say something here?

  8. We always get our business in the box - but the grit goes effury where! Mom says she can'rt believe we can flick grit so far away from da box. We tell her it's sheer skill! Tee hee!

  9. Boy that should certainly take care of the problem!!!! heeheehee

  10. That was one of my problems with the Breeze's just not big enough. And if I'm gonna pee on the floor or poop on the floor, I want it to be because I'm making a statement, not because of an accident.

  11. We think it just might not be big enough for you. Mom moved us into a giant litterbox because Miss Jade was having the same problem. Her butt would hang over - only with her, it wasn't the pee that would get outside.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  12. But is your backend inside the box?

  13. Maybe it's something about us being tuxies, Millie. My Mom is always complaining about my litterbox habits, too.

    Max S.

  14. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Millie, we iz four kittiez an' one of us haz da bad aim, too, but our momma doesn't know who it iz and dat may be a good thingie because we heard momma say dat da one wif da bad aim needz ta wear sumpin' named Dependz. Do youz know what those are?

  15. I haf started using the Breeze box ta pee in! The Big Thing hasn't complained about my aim though...

