Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Wordy Wednesday!

There is still a little bit of snow in the back yard. It is covered with dirt, and you can hardly see it, but it is there. The When When Contest for the consolation prize continues...
Honestly, Mom is always sticking the flashy box in my face.
I'm taking lessons in hypnotism from my friend Poppy Q. I'm trying to get Mom to give me stinky goodness for breakfast as well as dinner...


  1. we tried that hypnotism stuff once. we doesn't think it werks on our the mom

  2. Lots of luck on that hypnotism thing!

  3. Your eyes are looking hypnotic in this picture! Hope it works!

  4. Hey, Millie-Face! You know what? My mom is such a sucker and cares oh-way-too-much about what I think of her that all I have to do is turn my back with disdain when she denies me my rightful works!

  5. are you under poppy-q's spell in this picture? yer eyes sure look heavy!

  6. Good luck with the hypnotism. FAZ

  7. We left you an award on our blog!

  8. Millie I love the look on your face. That's how I feel too sweetie.

    We hope you ladies have some time to relax over the Easter break.

    Big smooches.

  9. Have fun learning hypnosis, pretty soon you kitties will take over.

  10. We get stinky goodness all the time. We hope your hynotism works.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

  11. That is a great idea. Imagine the things you could do my hypnotizing Mom?!

    Fluffy and Bonkers

  12. Hmmmm I hope you is not mad at me....
    Cheyenne Millie... I did notice my name for that contest is not over to the right. I made a guess way back on March 1 (guessed April 15)... The blog signs me as C ... but I am Cheyenne. Not that I thinking to win but that is my big human sister's birthday.... so I guessed that day cause it is special to me.

  13. Sorry we missed your name, Cheyenne, you did indeed enter, and your name is on the calender that we use to determine the winners. Mom is wicked sorry your name didn't make the list in my sidebar.
