Okay, Okay, Okay! Enough about Jasmine and Mr Karate, and Gizzy and the Lady. Let's bring this blog back to ME! You'd think I was a second class catizen around here. Sheesh! I...
... uh oh, excuse me for a minute...
Ahem. Oops. That was Gizzy telling me not to get "my whiskers in a twist" because this blog has given Jasmine a lot of attention lately. She is an Older Cat and she Rules, and she lives her too, and has been for a lot longer than me, so I have to be nice.
All right. Uh, that means I have to write about something else. Hm. Oh yeah! The Lady was working in the sewing room. She worked there all afternoon and late into the night. She worked there really late last night too. That machine in there really got a workout. The worktable is very smooth. I ran onto it to see what was happening, and I landed on this thing she was making, and the thing and I slid right off the table. After that I spent my time in the cat hammock (as you can see).
The Lady said I should show off my famous leg. See, I am holding it out so all of you who had a hand in fixing it can see how good it looks. The Lady helped with it too.
And she bought me a bag of balls today. They are red. They don't bounce too good, and they don't roll all that well either. And the Lady keeps them on the kitchen counter, not where I can play with them easily. I don't understand, because when she buys me a new toy, she always gives it to me right away.