Monday, September 04, 2006

Stinky goodness vs. crunchies

The big cats get crunchy food. I have been getting crunchies and stinky goodness. The last four or five days I have only been getting stinky goodness for breakfast. Yesterday, I didn't get any stinky goodness at all. I think the Lady must be trying to get me to eat only crunchies. I eat the crunchies, but I like the stinky goodness better.

This morning I didn't get any stinky goodness. I wasn't much interested in the crunchies, so I left them alone. After the Lady came back from her walk, she noticed I hadn't touched my crunchies, so she opened a packet of stinky goodness for me! Oooh! I was so hungry I practically inhaled that wonderful stinky goodness. I even let her pet me the whole time.

Now I know how to get stinky goodness when I want! Heh.


  1. Why do humans always try to take away our Stinky Goodness? Come on. There's no way I'd take crunchies over stinkies.

    Oh and cheese is a very Good Thing, isn't it? :)

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Yes, poor Bubbles and Mrs.B also only get crunchies and no stinky goodness. They love stinky goodness, but I don't give them any.

  3. Mommy says that our v-e-t says stinky goodness is better for us than crunchies. but Sammy only likes crunchies, so that's what he eats - and that's why he's fat. the v-e-t wants him to eat stinky goodness but he won't. oh well, more for me! - Miles

  4. Depending on what you buy, most varieties of wet food are better than crunchies. A real meat (ie: liver, chicken, tuna) should be listed as the meat source rather than meat by products.

  5. The Lady buys Iams cruchy food for us. An "Active Maturity" one for the big cats, and the Kitten version for me. The V-e-t is very happy with how the big cats have done with the crunchies from Iams.
