Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thirsty cats

Jasmine likes milk too. See her drinking out of the Lady's big glass. It's funny because this is as far as she can jam her face into that glass. She tries this every morning, but usually gets it before the milk is halfway down.

Gizzy practically gets into the bathroom sink to drink water running from the faucet. If you look closely you can see the water is dripping on his head, and then rolling down into the sink, where he drinks it as it pools near the drain.

I drink my water from the nice bowl the Lady leaves out near my food tray. And I try to get some of her milk in the morning too, but I have to do it real fast because Jasmine thinks it is all for her.

You can click on the pictures to biggify them.


  1. Scooby is a sink cat like Gizzy. He does exactly the same method as in your picture.

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bubbles and Mrs. B gets their water in a bowl. Mrs. B likes milk, but she likes me to warm it up first!

  3. we likes to drink our water out of mommy's glass. we drinks milk out of the cereal bowl.
