Monday, September 11, 2006


I dunno what this is.

But I like it.

And I want more of it.

Lots more.


  1. oooh, what's the white stuff? I've never had that! Is it yum?

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Oh, Millie you are just the cutest kitty ever!
    It looks like you are enjoying your milk. I think your Lady deserves some big purrs for giving you milk.

  3. Oh man, I love that stuff. Enjoy it while you can...if your people are like mine, eventually they won't let you have it any more. =sigh=

  4. It looks like a Russianless White Russian to me, Millie. They're yummy.
    ~~ Boni

  5. yep, Boni is right - it looks like a Russianless white russian. YUM

  6. Mum finks we are odd cos we don't like that white stuff, nefurr haf done. She says all the befurrus cats luvved it. we don't like cream or nuffin like that.

  7. slurp some up for us, baby girl! we is all too old to drink milk, 'cause we is growed up. growed up kitties can get the skeezix problem (skwerts) from milk. but do remind your Lady that she can give you a little cream for a nutritious snack!

    nels, ed, nitro, & xing lu

    peeyes: we are sure glad to see you've got a cuddle-buddy in gizzy!!

  8. Ooh, you got milk! You are so lucky. Anything dairy, I throw up.

  9. Ooh, you got milk! You are so lucky. Anything dairy, I throw up.

  10. I barf it up too. Right away. Down it goes, up it comes! -Scout

  11. The Lady has cereal every day. And that Jasmine gets right in there every time. Every single day! I can't even get close, because Jasmine STAYS there. If the lady has a glass of milk, she drinks that too.
