Friday, September 29, 2006

Jasmine is fine!

I just got off the phone with the Vet...

Jasmine is fine! Her blood is perfect! No diabetes, no kidney problems, no liver problems, no adrenal problems, no thyroid problems.

There is no specific test for cancer, so we can't even be sure she has that. We could do an ultrasound, but there really isn't any reason to.

The Vet wants me to keep checking her eye and let him know if it starts to bother her, but the tumor hasn't grown since July, so that's good. He also says to keep track of her weight, and monitor her grooming and behavior.

So, aside from the tumor on her eye, she's in terrific shape for a girl her age. And now Jasmine can sing
"I am not dead yet!" to her heart's content (and mine).

the Lady


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am soooo happy for you, Kind Lady, and for your precious Jasmine. I've been following Millie's blog since you started it (it's the first thing I check in the morning!!) and this indeed is good news about her. I'm feeling so relieved.


  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Oh, This is good news! You go girl! We are very glad Jasmine is OK (well, as Ok as can be expected). The old girl might yet show Millie a thing or two.

  3. I am so glad for the good news about Jasmine.

    I "own" part of Millie's beautiful bionic leg and have been following her since Malcolm first posted.

    It is so much fun watching her grow and thrive and I can't think of a better home for her than where she is right now. I am so thankful her big sister, Jasmine, will be around for a long, long time.

    Jasmine has been on our list at the Pet Prayer and Praise blog. All the kitties have been steadily praying (or purr-raying in kat-speak) daily for Sweet Jasmine to heal. Just as they purr-rayed for Darling Millie before her. Kitty prayer is a powerful force!

  4. YAY!!!!! we is SO happy to hear your wunderful news!! miss jasmine has been much on our minds, and is always included in our purrrrrs & purrayers before bedtime. our uncle-eeker-that-was was a very old kitty when he left, a little tottery, but living many years longer than he was expected to, and we hope & purray the same for jasmine. we know there have been lotsa special hugs & kisses for THAT girl today!

    we have "invested" in millie, too, and it's such fun to see her run around and get to know gizzy and jasmine. they'll all keep each other on their toes;-)

    blessings on you all, dears!

    the missouri meowers

  5. That's wunnerfull news about Jasmine. We hope she has loads more happy yeers wiv Millie and her lady.

  6. Dat is such gud news about Jasmine. Her theme song can be "I'm Still Standing"... I knows how much Momma worries bout us when we is not well, and how re-lived she is when efurryfink turns out OK.

    Keep standing Jasmine!


  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm so happy....I'm doing the happy dance!!!'re beautiful baby!!

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Millie is the best investment I have made. I check your blog everyday and enjoy it very much. I am so happy about Jasmine. Thank you!

  9. Yay for Jasmine! Now she can concentrate all her attention on "bonding" with Millie, ha ha.

  10. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Great news about Jasmine!


  11. That is furry good news. Hopefully she has lots of years left.

  12. yea for jasmine.what great news.

  13. I too have invested in Millie's health and have been keeping track of her since Malcolm's blog. I cant even begin to express how pleased I am in her forever home and the patience and adoration she gets from the mommy bean. I know the mommy bean gives all her poodins the love and care (and worries) they need and was very happy to hear that Jasmine will be with us for a while still.

  14. Yay! We's furry glad that Jasmine is ok :)

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Yea! Good for you, Jasmine! We older ladies need to stick together and not let things get us down.
    DaisyMae Maus

  16. I'm doin the Happy Cat Dance(I'm a kitty cat and I dance dance dance). Concatulations, Jasmine! Mama and I will continue to send happy good thoughts!

  17. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I'm so glad. I know this has worried you (mom) a good deal.

    -Mr Karate

  18. YAY!!!!!!! That is wonderful news!
