Sunday, September 24, 2006

more crazy lady stuff

The Lady does something else very weird. She puts this thing in her mouth and moves it around. It hums. I can hear it from the other room. She never talks when she does it. She does this every day, after breakfast and before she goes to bed.

She has these two things she uses to keep her head fur nice. I like to play with them, knocking them off the counter when she takes them out. My favorite one is kinda spiky. I got that one all the way to the table room once before she came chasing after me, looking kinda spiky herself.

This whole bit about getting all wet with water to take a bath is just beyond me. I mean, it isn't necessary for me to get all wet to get clean, so what's with her?

She says she and the boy went to a Chinese House today. Then they visited a Marble Head. She claims they didn't go farther than 75 miles away, but I don't believe her. China is a lot farther away than 75 miles, and nobody with a marble head is alive.

I may have been born at night, but I wasn't born last night.


  1. My Mom does that with the humming thing too. And even tho she uses those head fur thingies, she always looks kinda spiky anyways. Do you think my Mom has the wrong kind of head fur thingies? Oh well. I love her anyways.

  2. Millie you are way cool! And you are so cute with your brofur and sisfur.


  3. Millie, you are so smart! You're right about the marble heads - although sometimes we fink mommy has rocks in her head.

  4. I jump up on the counter and if I'm lucky she will brush me with her hair brush too. -Scooby

  5. Hey Millie, do you want to learn how to dance? I have put a kitty dance on my site and now you have a new hip I reckon you'd be a good dancer!

  6. Our beans have been meaning to visit the Chinese House, but haven't yet. Maybe we'll remind them. When our Mum finally gets a joke she says " Dawn breaks over Marblehead" and Dad rolls his eyes...

  7. Tower Hill Mob... You guys win! The Lady was wondering if anybody would "get" that Marblehead was a place. The Lady also said the Yin Yu Tang house was very interesting but she wouldn't have wanted to live there at all!

  8. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Mom has a mouth hummer too.
