Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sitting with the Lady

Tonight Gizzy was sitting next to the Lady in her chair. I ran right up, climbed onto the arm of the chair and started to play with him. Yeah, I know the Lady was Right There. I climbed on his back. I chewed his ear. He wasn't objecting. I started to pretend to chew his head. "Millie, be nice, I don't think Gizzy likes that. He's going to bite you back." I didn't stop. Gizzy finally got up and moved away. I followed him. The Lady stayed where she was. I was feeling pretty good. She didn't try to grab me or anything. A little while later he jumped on the side table near her. I jumped on the arm of the chair and leaned against her. She didn't try to pet me, or grab me. She did look at me and smile. I stayed there for a bit. Then I ran away to play with Gizzy.


  1. it sounds like you had a very good day millie. i am so happy for you.

  2. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Just admit it Millie, you love the Lady.

  3. Heh...just don't draw blood. Gizzy might have something to say about that... So might the Lady :)

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Yay Millie, bean ladies are really nice to have and you're finding that out. Pretty soon you will be calling her momma and letting her give you nice rubbies and skritchies. Just wait, you'll see how very nice it really is.

  5. Millie I know just what you mean about older brothers. I have 2 and they're the same way. I like batting and biting their tails...but they don't like it!

    You should try snuggling with your Mom. I do it with mine all the time and then I purr and put my paws in her hair.

    Your friend
    Misty E.
