There are lots of things I. Do. Not. Like. Among them are sirens and flashing lights.

So last night, when four police cars and one fire truck parked outside our house with lights flashing I did not hesitate. I ran out of Mom's room in my best Thundering Herd of Elephants manner. So what if Mom was in the way.
Turns out some driver had hit the car that is always parked out front. (Now, Mom says that anybody who leaves their car parked on this busy street should know better. You leave a car parked on this street, and it's gonna get hit. Just a matter of time.)

The car that was hit got moved. Its front end was up on the sidewalk, and the back end was pushed over into the middle of the street, practically.
I think it's amazing how many beans can materialize out of nowhere, getting up at midnight to stand around in their pajamas, watching.