Thursday, May 06, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

What I want... to be allowed to nap in peace.

What Mom wants... I wonder if I can nap on that too?


  1. Aww, I think I want what you want (+ lots of temptations), and mom would be very tempted by that apple thing.

  2. I'll keep my fingers crossed that both and your Mom get want you want Millie.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We like your idea of napping undisturbed (with lots of treats, too, as Poppy suggested).

    We hope you both get what you want!

  4. You know what would make your napping spot even better, Millie? If you rip that thin white fabric (let me tell you, it tears very easily), you can then climb up into the actual bed springs and get in a really good snooze and the humans will #1) have a much harder time finding you and #2)not be able to get the flashy box in your face!

  5. She even found you in this hidey place? A cat can't get any rest in peace.

  6. Amen to peaceful naps!!!!



  7. The Selvage Fairy12:38 PM

    You don't fit under the bureau or in the closet anymore , do you?

  8. Maybe you two can negotiate a compromise.

  9. Sleep on the iPad Millie..she won't want to disturb you, My mom won't disturb ME.

  10. Your human doesn't need an iPad, Millie - YOU do! I saw some videos of kitties playing with some iPad apps and they looked like they were having a great time!

  11. If your Mom gets her desire we bet you will, too!
    xx lounge kats

  12. YAWN, no I don't think you can nap on it or under it. Your mum will be using it all the time. Mum doesn't want one.

  13. We saw other cats on da tube movie thingy playing wif one of dem...we'd ask fur one but mom wouldn't get it anyway. Yoo can't hide unner one of dem things...

  14. The Woman and I both want the same things. Only she wants a 3G iPad thingy, and I want food near my napping spot...

  15. Nice Nappy place. Our mom and dad have Ipads ( one wifi one 3g) and let us tell you. You can sleep on them. Or try, if you mom leaves hers on the couch for a potty break.

    Pixel and Samba

  16. my mama has one tell she addicted tell her to be more accdicted to you

