Saturday, May 08, 2010

Soggy Saturday

It's raining outside. Mom has turned off the heating monster for the summer, so it's a little cool. I'm nice and cozy in my cat cup.

So what?


  1. we didn't say nufin!!! hee hee

  2. You're learning to love your creature comforts, it seems Millie. And your Mom was right after all - she just knew that you'd grow to love that cat cup.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We had rain and cold and weather here too. Now what kind of spring is that?

  4. Wait a minute - I see an electrical cord behind that cat cup - it is heated?? Wow, it must be extra comfy! You are smart to use it.

  5. I want MY mommy to buy ME a heated cat cup!!!! Right now!

  6. You look very fetching peeking out over the edge there, Millie!

  7. Mum turned the heaty monster back on, she doesn't want to bundle up in May!

  8. That is so not fair of your mom to turn off the heat! She should be attending to your needs and not hers, don't you agree? Why on earth didn't she ask you if you wanted the heat turned off in the first place? Well, at least your mom provided a comfy place for you to keep warm and at least you have a lot of pretty fur to keep you warm too!

  9. Your cat cup is pawsome! Enjoy your nap in theres =^_^=
