Sunday, May 16, 2010

That Time of Year Again

This is the Roo-Gala that Mom has growing on the porch. (She says it's yummy. I tried some ... Blech!)You'd think that was plenty for your average bean, but No-o-oh! It's the time of year that Mom goes out to buy dirt and then put stupid green Herbies in it. There's two kinds of Thyme (time?) some Mint, Basil, Oregano, some Sage and Rosemary and Chives. Here's some Parsley.
Here's the best bit. Every year Mom puts flowering plants in pots on the porch railing

You know how Mom says her favorite color isn't pink? Well, check this out.


  1. Looks terrific to me Millie.

    By the way, how's your cat grass coming along?

    Sydney Australia

  2. Our Mom is doing the same thing with herbs! Those pink flowers are very purrty!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

    pee ess - you might want to go visit Cory's blog today to see what to do with that roo-gala

  3. What do you use the rougala for? I know, not very herb savy...but would like to do a herb garden when I come back to the states..

  4. Where's the Nip? That's the most important herb of all!

  5. hey wheres the freash catnip? it looks like your moms gunna have a really yummy and pretty garden this year :)

  6. The herb garden seems to be seriously lacking catnip! Do I need to have the "man in the brown shorts" make an emergency delivery? I have to look out for you !! Where is all of Mom's basil??

    Your Pal
    Oreo in "FURR"ginia

  7. Oh, Millie, I don't like "roo gala" either!!! But, I do like all the herbs...

  8. Our grammie used to grow parsley in a planter on the porch especially for her kitty. He loved it!

  9. Anonymous8:21 PM

    ::Thud:: ~Fiona Bun

  10. Yeah, The Big Thing grows "mesclun" lettuces inna windwill box too. He got his herbs growing outside.

  11. May I ask your human: Where is the nip among all these silly human herbs?

  12. Mmmmmm good, says the Woman.
    Yukkkkk, says I.

    Where's the Nip, say we both!

  13. The plants look awesome! Especially the herbs!

  14. Those are pretty flowers even it they are pink!

  15. Millie - your Mom is just SO energetic and organized - where does she find the time?

    I think she has what we humans call "green fingers".

    Noela Sydney Australia

  16. We are impressed with your mums gardening efforts. It must be nice to watch things grow and bloom after such long cold snowy winters.

    My mum is great at growing weeds.

  17. We have all of the same stuff! Even pink Daliahs!

  18. Mom says pink isn't her favorite color either! But you wouldn't know if from the colors of the flowers in the garden!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
