Saturday, May 15, 2010

I think I offended my Mom yesterday, when I said she wasn't much of a geek. Here's proof:(Personally, I don't know what the big fuss is about.)

She said I should be made to eat some crow!

I don't think so!


  1. Millie - eating crow doesn't sound very nice - is Mom trying it first?
    We like the look of your new toy.

  2. If three computers qualifies you as a geek, count me in! Oh, and I'm pretty nerdy too. And a crazy cat lady to boot!

    Millie, apparently your Mom is not alone.

  3. Crow mightn't be too bad, Millie. A bit stringy perhaps, but otherwise I think it might be quite like chicken!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Being a geek is not a bad thing!

  5. MMmmm...crow...I bet it tastes like chicken...

  6. Millie, Yder Mom is TOTALLY a geek. 2 computers on at the same time is "Geek". 3 is YIKES... Take control of her RIGHT NOW! Do an intervention. Explain ta her that its fer her OWN good.

    Give her a choice ta remove ONE computer. Then next week remove a second. Thats a good start.

  7. Only 3 computers on the desk at the same time. I think the rule is 4 to be a geek. 3 is just a wanna be ;) MOL SHe just wants to make sure she is connected. I bet one of those computers is yours so you can blog
