Monday, April 30, 2012

Something Fishy

PlusOne came over to help Mom do some cleaning over the weekend. Mom cooked salmon for him. This is noteworthy because PlusOne is a typical teenage fussy eater.

I do not like fish, so that was fine with me.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tripod Update

The Cat Blogosphere is a pretty terrific place, even for woofies.  Malcolm (My hero) asked for our help a few days ago to bring Tripod to the US for a good home.  He needed eight hundred green papers (even though the total cost was - gasp - one thousand two hundred green papers (that's more than my bionic leg!!!). 

Well, animal lovers helped raise the 800 in less than one day!  They've even donated a little bit more, which I think is a good thing, because Malcolm and Jillian have a new little sticky person, and those eat up green papers at an amazing rate. You can still donate to help Malcolm and Tripod.

Anyway, the good news is that Tripod is going to be flying to the US on Monday!! Her plane lands at 1:00 PM local time, and Malcolm will post photos on the Facebook page for us all to see.

Woo hoo!  Thank you all!

Thank you Malcolm.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Caturday

I am helping Mom do her chores this weekend.  Can you tell?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Furrever Home Friday!

My first Person, the guy who saved me, Malcolm, needs our help!

When he was living in Mexico he adopted a dog he called "Tripod."  When moved to Maine, he left the dog with a caretaker, and paid to make sure she was well taken care of. 
But things have changed, and now Tripod needs to get to her new home in the USA.  It's gonna cost a lot of green papers.  Mom and I have already donated, and I'd like to ask pet lovers everywhere to make  a small donation to help get Tripod home.

Tripod is a great dog, very lovable, and she'll get a much better life if she has a furrever home. Lookit what it did for me!  Please help.

You can read more about Tripod here:

thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Mom was thinking she had copied all her files from her old computer to her new tippy tappy lapbox, but she was wrong.  She forgot a whole year of photos!  Fortunately the old computer still works just fine, so she was able to get them moved, but lookit this!  This picture of me was one of the ones that didn't get moved over.  It's me when I was about 1 year old.  I was drinking from the cup of water Mom keeps near the ironing board to feed the steam breathing iron. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

(shh... can you see the birdie?)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuxie Tuesday

Lookit!  From my very favorite napping spot - my cat hammock by the window - I get to watch BirdTV.

Lucky me!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Millie Monday

It's been a good weekend.  Mom got to spend time with Mr Karate and I got some real live fresh dead Beef. It's raining out, and I'm napping on the aff-gan on the plum wing chair. 

Happy Birthday Mr Karate! (He put his scrambled eggs on a big piece of toast, covered that with fresh avocado and fresh salsa, then two pieces of bacon. He wouldn't let Mom take his picture as he was eating it.)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


 Mr Karate came to visit yesterday (he now lives in Beantown), and Mom and he spent the day together. His birthday is Monday, but they decided to celebrate early. They went shopping for his presents, and then came home to make dinner. 

LOOKIT these two beautiful pieces of BEEF!  Mom says they are Fill-ay Min-yawn.  OH, they were SO gorgeous, and then Mom put that stupid dirt all over them. Mom and Mr Karate ate these pieces of beef (yes I got some) along with Asp-a-rag-us (roasted with Parmy cheese) and Mush Rooms (sauteed in butter, then served with white whine and parsley) and grilled red onion slices.  Frankly I don't know why they needed all the other stuff. That Beef was perfect by itself.

Anyway, Mr Karate must have been very tired, because he took a nap while Mom made dinner.  Lookit him, he's almost as good at napping as I am.

After dinner the family went to get Eye Scream for dessert and posed for this picture.  A good time was had by all.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Silly Saturday

Mom is getting rid of 50 things.  See? She's gone through every drawer in her bedroom.  She's been through the junk drawer on the nightstand.  Then she sorted through the books underneath.  She found twenty green papers, so that made her all excited.  (I think she's crazy. I could see there was only ONE piece of paper, but she says it was twenty. I may only be a cat, but even I know twenty is not the same as one.)

She sorted through the drawer that had all the old jewelry, threw away a lot of that stuff. Most of it was broken or had missing pieces.  She found lots and lots of buttons, all of them in little envelopes (dunno what that's all about). She put those in a box. She found at least FOUR old pieces of plastic with her picture on them. She says they were her old driver's licenses.  Dunno what she needed them for, but they went through the shredder.  She found about six pair of old glasses she can't see through. Those are going to "a good cause" but Mom didn't say what it was.

Lastly she took all the drawers out of the bureau and started throwing clothes around.  I confess I tried to get into the bureau when the drawers were out, and Mom went running for her camera so she could take my picture, but I was faster than she was.  I was saved the embarrassment of a photo of my spot # 13 hanging out for all the world to see.

Now she's all done. The wastebasket is full of stuff she doesn't want, and there is a stack of clothes for Mr Good Will. She says if it's in the bedroom now, it's coming. 

Oh - kay. I'm glad I was in the bedroom when she said that. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Formerly Feral Friday

Every day I watch the little birdies flit around outside my window. They put on quite a show, and I am lucky enough to have a terrific view.

It's been sunny and warm the last few days, and because we didn't get a lot of snow this winter, it is very dry. We are actually hoping for some rain soon. In the meantime, though, I'm going to enjoy the view and the smells.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thinking Thursday

Mom's going to school today. She has to leave really really early, and go for a long drive to take a class on how to put numbers on paper.  She's going with a co-day-hunter and says they will be doing a lot of thinking.

Good for her.  I'm gonna take a nap.  Maybe a few naps.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It Was HOT!

Holy Toledo! (where's Toledo?) It was HOT yesterday! 

It was 91F (32.7C) here.  Usually when it gets that HOT in the Spring, the heat doesn't get into the house, so the house stays cool.  But with all the windows open it got warm pretty quick. 

The downside is that Mom had a hard time sleeping.  She kept tossing and turning. The blankets are in a pile on the floor at the end of the bed. I don't think she was too happy with the chirping of the little birdies outside our window.

Dunno why, I thought they were fun to watch.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Hots Hit New Hampster

The hots are here. Mom's got windows open all over the house, and I am having a wonderful time smelling the great outside smells and watching the world go by. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let's End Childhood Hunger!

(Sorry about this, but I gotta get on a soapbox for a bit.)

Holy guacamole!  I know that not all kittehs have homes and get enough food, but I didn't know that one in five little sticky people in the US goes hungry! This is really really BAD!

Mom and I watched a tv show on the Food Network about it.  You can watch it here: Hunger Hits Home.

Mom was kinda pissed.  We live in one of the richest countries in the world; how come people here go hungry? She is gonna write to the politicians who represent New Hampster and tell them to get with the program, to help fix this problem. I know she's gonna send the local food pantry some green papers too.

You all know I'm not a big fan of sticky people, but BAST, I don't want them going hungry!

Thank you.  I'm gonna get off the soapbox now and go take a nap.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday SweetBean!

Today is SweetBean's birthday.  She is six years old today (she is the same age as ME!) I have a very special connection to SweetBean. I love her very much.

Happy Birthday SweetBean!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear SweetBean!
Happy Birthday to you!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Talk

Mom is planning a Talk. She can do that real well without any prompting or practice, but this Talk involves quilts and me, and will be given to a quilt group some time in the future.  Dunno why she's all hot and bothered about it now except the words "approval" and "committee" were involved and it also includes pictures.

So for the last two nights Mom had been playing with pictures on her brandy-spanking new tippy-tappy lapbox.

I've not been lacking for scritches, treats or attention, but hey, I'm just sayin'

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

Mom got on a cleaning frenzy the other night.  She moved the quilt from the chair, where it had made a pretty cool tent.

When she saw it all covered with my furs, she kinda freaked out.  She tried a lint roller, but it didn't work, so she got out the rug-sucking monster and ran it all over the chair.  Then she hung the quilt up on the wall.

No more tent.
Mom put my Gizzy quilt on the chair, to try to make amends.
You see how that worked.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Guess who got so involved watching a show on the picture box about a  big ship that sunk 100 years ago that she "forgot" to help her dearest furry friend blog?

Um, that would be my Mom.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Multitasking Monday

Mom manages to do several things when I nap on her lap (or right next to her). We watch the picture box, Mom reads and surfs the Internet on her Kindle.

Can you believe she eats at the same time too? Lookit that big bowl of yukky rabbit food.

What's a cat to do?

Happy Easter

 Mom's back and hip were hurting her a lot last night.  I lay next to her and purred until she went to sleep.  I am glad to help her feel better.

Later today, I'll be able to nap in her lap while she reads her new book. Yes, go figure, but there are some books Mom likes to have as real books, not eBooks on her Kindle.

Happy Easter everybuddy!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Saturday Caturday

Enjoying the cat hammock and the view outside the window.

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday today!  I am SIX!  Holy Bast!  How did I get to be SIX?  Sheesh, I don't feel a day over two!  I've had so many wonderful things happen to me in my SIX years. I've met lots of friends and visited lots of places.

(Mom Lynne here, let's all sing Happy Birthday to Millie.)

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Millie!
Happy Birthday to you!

Why thank you all!  I am such a lucky cat! My favorite stinky goodness, lots of NIP Temptations treats, scritches and a nice warm lap to sit in.  It's gonna be a great day!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Not at All Wordless

Do you see the reason Mom has been rather, shall we say, "absent" from the world the last few days?  It's sitting right there on the desk.

Mom bought herself a tippy tappy lapbox.  Yup. It's brandy-spanking new, and she is wicked excited about it.  She used to use the lapbox from her day-hunting gig, but this one is all hers.

(Actually, you want to know how many tippy tappy lapboxes are in the house right now?  FOUR!  One is an old old one she rescued from the day hunting trash pile and rebuilt with Lee-nux; one is another one she rescued that only worked when plugged into the wall, and only worked wireless so it was very slow, one is the good one from the day hunting gig, and this one.  Mom says the two oldies are go-go-going. And then there's the big beast under the desk...)

Mom got something for the lapbox to sit on so she could use her big monitor.  It's called a docking station.  I dunno.  I've been to several stations before (train stations mostly) and this thing doesn't look like any of those, but Mom's the geek, so if she says it's so, then it's so.  Of course the funny thing is Mom's old keyboard won't work.  She needs a sub, or bus, or pus... oh u-s-b keyboard.  (She's pretty good, but she forgets sometimes.)

Anyways, she's been very pre-occupied with this thing since she got it.  She's happy.  I like having a happy Mom.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Tuxie Tuesday

Mom's been working on her computer a lot over the last few days, and so my blogging time has been rather, shall we say, compromised.  I missed a couple of big events. Not good ones, sad ones.

I'm gonna miss my pal Scooby.  She ran off to the Bridge on Sunday. She was one of my oldest furr-iends and blogging pals. And the Kattonic Cats, Speedy, Sadie and Zippy lost their bean Dad.  That makes me sad too.

Keep your I-Love-Yous up to date is what I say. 

Monday, April 02, 2012

Millie Monday

I've been sticking close to Mom lately. She's been doing a lot of housecleaning stuff since coming back from vacation, but I've made sure she SITS so she can give me scritches.  We all know how that helps keep a people's stress level down.