Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It Was HOT!

Holy Toledo! (where's Toledo?) It was HOT yesterday! 

It was 91F (32.7C) here.  Usually when it gets that HOT in the Spring, the heat doesn't get into the house, so the house stays cool.  But with all the windows open it got warm pretty quick. 

The downside is that Mom had a hard time sleeping.  She kept tossing and turning. The blankets are in a pile on the floor at the end of the bed. I don't think she was too happy with the chirping of the little birdies outside our window.

Dunno why, I thought they were fun to watch.


  1. You're very clever, sneaking up on them like that, and keeping your body out of sight. It's just as well you can't jump out and grab them.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Wowee - we don't get that hot, even in the middle of our summer. Keep cool friends.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. Exactly the same at our place too, Millie! The temperature, the difficulty sleeping, etc. Today will b cooler again thank Cod.

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Oh Millie. You're very obserf-unt. Love this pic of you obserfing. Lissy & Kazoo Sue

  5. glad it didn't get that far into the hots here....just nice during the day and cooler at night.

    Toledo - north of us - Leo and Star from Celestial Cats live there!! :)

  6. I wonder what it is about the human physiology that makes it so hard to sleep in the heat. We kitties hunt out the sun for our naps!

  7. Wow, it wasnt THAT hot HERE an we almost set a record fer the day!

  8. It's usually not that hot in your part of the world this time a year. We understand how hard it is to sleep in the heat. We hope to not better.

  9. Them fevvers do wake up and start singing furry early these days. Hope the hots cool down for you.

  10. Holy cod. That is hot! What a bizarre difference from last year!
