Saturday, April 21, 2012

Silly Saturday

Mom is getting rid of 50 things.  See? She's gone through every drawer in her bedroom.  She's been through the junk drawer on the nightstand.  Then she sorted through the books underneath.  She found twenty green papers, so that made her all excited.  (I think she's crazy. I could see there was only ONE piece of paper, but she says it was twenty. I may only be a cat, but even I know twenty is not the same as one.)

She sorted through the drawer that had all the old jewelry, threw away a lot of that stuff. Most of it was broken or had missing pieces.  She found lots and lots of buttons, all of them in little envelopes (dunno what that's all about). She put those in a box. She found at least FOUR old pieces of plastic with her picture on them. She says they were her old driver's licenses.  Dunno what she needed them for, but they went through the shredder.  She found about six pair of old glasses she can't see through. Those are going to "a good cause" but Mom didn't say what it was.

Lastly she took all the drawers out of the bureau and started throwing clothes around.  I confess I tried to get into the bureau when the drawers were out, and Mom went running for her camera so she could take my picture, but I was faster than she was.  I was saved the embarrassment of a photo of my spot # 13 hanging out for all the world to see.

Now she's all done. The wastebasket is full of stuff she doesn't want, and there is a stack of clothes for Mr Good Will. She says if it's in the bedroom now, it's coming. 

Oh - kay. I'm glad I was in the bedroom when she said that. 


  1. Ha-ha Millie! No way is your Mom leavin you behind! We are moovin later this year and our Mommy is very inspired by these posts. She says thank you and sends a smooch fur your sweet little head. xoxo

  2. My mum is trying to do an autumn clean - but it could take weeks. Getting rid of 50 things is a great idea.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. Well, it sounds as though your mom's lessons in putting numbers on paper during the week was not a success Millie, if she still thinks that one piece of paper is 20. Perhaps numbers simply aren't her thing.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Don'tcha love it when the people start throwing crap out? There's no M-word looming over us here but the Woman still went through stuff and took like 7 bags to Mr. Will. And today she threw out a lot of stuff that was in the kitchen, but Mr. Will isn't getting any of it since it expired. As long as my stuff stays put, I'm fine with it...

  5. Lots of papers went through the shredder at our house today, too . . . and a bunch of stuff landed in the trash can . . . hmmmmm

  6. I LOVE spring cleaning--when it's DONE!!!

  7. Your mom is a demon when she gets going!
