Monday, April 02, 2012

Millie Monday

I've been sticking close to Mom lately. She's been doing a lot of housecleaning stuff since coming back from vacation, but I've made sure she SITS so she can give me scritches.  We all know how that helps keep a people's stress level down.


  1. It is SO good of you to keep your Mom's stress levels under control, Millie.

  2. We totally handle our Mom's stress levels, too. Well, sumtimes they go the wrong way.....

  3. It's not that you missed her scritches while she was gone, you are just trying to help her !

  4. I hope your mom has her priorities right, Millie - perhaps you should nudge that computer out of the way so that she can concentrate all her attention on you.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. My human grabs me and kisses me a LOT - I HATE it, but at least it keeps her de-stressed. But geez, can't she meditate a little more and kiss me a little less?

  6. Yep, the beans need lots of de-stressing the past few days.

  7. Oh sweet Millie, how could anyone resist giving you scritches. I bet Mom was willing to take breaks from housework (ugg) just to enjoy the cuddles!
