Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thinking Thursday

Mom's going to school today. She has to leave really really early, and go for a long drive to take a class on how to put numbers on paper.  She's going with a co-day-hunter and says they will be doing a lot of thinking.

Good for her.  I'm gonna take a nap.  Maybe a few naps.


  1. I hope she left out extra treats for you Millie so that you don't go hungry during the extra-long day by yourself. Disappointing to hear that your mom is still learning how to put numbers on paper - I wouldn't have thought she'd struggle with something like that. Better give her a big kiss when she gets home.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Good idea Millie. Nap for those who can't.

  3. The Selvage Fairy9:18 PM

    I was so happy you came out to accept treats from me yesterday.
    I promise I won't tell anybody that you gave me a quick head rub and let me touch your soft-like-a-buny head furs.
