Monday, March 28, 2016

Millie Monday

Sometimes Mom doesn't give me my treats right away when I ask. So I have to give her the stinkeye.

It may or may not look like this.


  1. That's a pretty mellow stinkeye, Millie. You should see the ones Binga gives.

  2. Golly, Millie - that is a look and a half! Have you been saving that one up just for the friends who read your blog?

    Noela Sydney Australia

  3. I'm thinking that it probably looks very like that, Millie. I rate it 7 out of 10 in the Stinkeye Stakes - that is to say, it's a good example, but there is room for improvement. I don't imagine that you have had all that much practice at giving your mom the stinkeye over the years and practice does make perfect. I hope you never have reason to use it more often.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Thats a beautiful stink eye. Our mum would give you the whole bag.

  5. How very naughty of your Mom Millie and hope she feels sorry and gives you lots more.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. millie...ya look feerce...N yea...yur mom DEE SERVED de stinkz eye ♥♥♥

  7. Our mum is like that too.
    Julie is our designated reminder.
    She finds mum,puts a paw on her leg( with claws out)
    and reaches up to mum's face with the other.
    Works every time ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

    Oh Millie, we just heard about Monty :(

  8. We read about the loss of Monty Q today. We're sure you already were aware of it because you were so close, so we thought we would stop by to say how sorry we are your loss of Monty, too.

  9. We read about Monty Q going to the Bridge. We are so sorry. Purrsss to you sweetie

  10. Miss Millie, we heard about Monty Q going to The Bridge. Sorry your furiend has gone ahead. Purrs to you and your mum.

  11. You can do a better stink-eye than THAT, Millie! Imagine a full litterbox and no food in yer bowl...
