Friday, March 25, 2016

Feline Friday

It's Friday and I'm fine. Mom is a little bummed because one of the beans she has worked with for the last six years has left the company for another gig. Mom liked this person a lot and they worked well together. I may have to provide a little comfort.

I won't do anything drastic like sit on her lap, but I'll sit next to her when she watches TV or something.


  1. You are a good comforter Millie.
    We think your Mom will like that.
    Purrs to her.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Tough for your Mom, but definitely don't YOU do anything drastic.

  3. Oh, c'mon Millie - take the risk: just try sitting on your mom's lap. You might like it!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. So what was in the mail box, Millie? You can't keep us in the dark about those sorts of things.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  5. Sounds like you are like some of our kitties - liking closeness but not lap-sitting.

    Give Mom lots and lots of comfort!

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

    Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

  6. You're adorable! I'm sure your mom will appreciate any affection you give her, even from across the room!

  7. TBT here: I know about missing a special co-worker. I teared up for days. Some office friends are THAT special.
