Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What Can I Say?

Monty Q was my first, and only, love. He made me laugh and he made me blush. Of course, I did my  best to make him blush too. We had a lot of truly wonderful times together, and we shared many sad ones. We brought our Moms together, and they are best friends, and that's really awesome.

Of course I knew back in November that Monty had run away to the Bridge. It was very hard to accept, but I know he is with Sprout and I also know that Gizzy is nearby. I am sure they are already best buds. 

Hold a spot for me there, dearest Monty. When my time comes I know you'll be waiting.

Purrs forever,
your Millie


  1. It's a very difficult loss to endure, Millie. Big hug.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We are sorry Monty has passed over the bridge Millie - our thoughts are with you and his Mom. We are sending extra purrs.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. We were saddened to learn Monty has gone to the Bridge Millie. We know how sad you must be. Sending hugs and tons of love to comfort you.
    Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  4. Millie, Monty was truly a one of a kind mancat & we know you must miss him terribly. We're sure he will be waiting for your love to go on when you are both together again at the Bridge. We hope that is not for a good while, but a kitty never knows when their time will come, just like humans. The best we can do is relish every minute we are together on Earth, value each relationship & love those special friends like Monty & his Mom. Monty is missed by many, but none no more than you Millie. Monty was the love of your life.

  5. Millie....we R troo lee sorree ta lurn a bout yur friend ♥♥♥

  6. We were sorry to hear about Monty Q also. We hope you remember the happy times most.

  7. Ginger, Sophia, and now Monty... Our hearts are breaking

  8. We are so sad and so sorry

  9. We are so sad and so sorry

  10. Purrs to you Millie.
    We are sad that Monty has gone.
    We remember all those good times. The very sad ones too.
    Special purrs for you.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  11. I thought of you, Millie, when I read the blog post. Purrs to you.

  12. So sorry to hear that sad news, MIllie.

    Noela Sydney Australia

  13. We are so sad to hear about the big boy. We know what a super special friend he was to you and your mom and he bought his lovely family into your lives.

    We hope all of our friends are waiting for us when it is our time.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  14. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I'm so sorry dear Millie. Monty was one of a kind. A very special kitty.

  15. Millie,

    We're so sad about Monty.

    Sending you lots of purrs and soft headbutts and hugs.

    Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
